Does anyone know when there will be a perfect collection of Seikai no Senki (Banner of the Stars), which is a direct continuation of Seikai no Monsho (Crest of the Stars)? Thanks.
Try email MAC and ask for it

Rav is confused isn't that just what i replied
guess we thought the same thing at the same time but i beat you to the post by a coupla secs

You're the idiot, EsValCrapo.
I want to know when a PERFECT Collection of Seikai no Senki will be released, not a Complete Collection. There is a difference, you asswipe. A Perfect Collection usually has subtitles and audio tracks ripped from a R1 source. A Complete Collection usually still has HK-subs (which can suck at times) and no English audio track, and is often released long before an R1 ripped Perfect Collection is released. Not that I'm an English dub fan, but I like to get the best quality of everything when I buy an HK dvd set. Examples of such Complete Collections include the GITS:SAC Complete Collection, Ranma 1/2 OVA, or the Onegai Teacher Complete Collection, all of which had somewhat questionable subtitle qualities.
Honestly, I'd rather be blind and deaf, than stupid, illiterate, and retarded like you.
While we're calling each other names, let me quote from the FAQ.
III. Future Releases
Most importantly, it must be understood that no one at Import-Anime knows which titles will be released in the future or when titles will be released. Each HK DVD manufacturer is extremely secretive, and must be to avoid interference from other companies. The only way to know about upcoming titles is to visit the manufacturers? websites.
So I guess the answer was on the board this entire time. I wish they'd put it in an easy to find location and label it something obvious like FAQ. Wait, that's where I found the info. So I guess they did put the info in an obvious place and even labeled it with something obvious. Guess I'm the only one who ever bothers to check it.
Am I the only one one that sees the irony in this next quote?
Quote:Originally posted by Robojack
Not that I'm an English dub fan, but I like to get the best quality of everything when I buy an HK dvd set.
If you liked quality that much, you wouldn't be buying the HK's for these sets. That's all I'm gonna say on that because I do not want to turn this into another HK vs. R1 argument.
Quote:Originally posted by Vicious
If you liked quality that much, you wouldn't be buying the HK's for these sets. That's all I'm gonna say on that because I do not want to turn this into another HK vs. R1 argument.
Actually, let me correct myself before someone else does. This isn't even an HK vs. R1 thing.
If you want better quality than you'd want a rip of the R2 discs and not the R1's since that's what everyone in R1 forums keeps complaining about. About how the video quality on the R2's is so much better than the R1's that get licensed here. So you wouldn't really want the R1 rip unless you wanted the dub.
It's not even the dubbing that I care about. It's the subtitles, which usually are found in it's most accurate form in R1s. But when I pay for HK dvds, I want to get as much as possible, and if this includes English dubs, then all the better. I've watched anime as a child in Japanese, but having english is just another perk that I can get for the same price as a set that doesn't have it. So I'm willing to wait for an Perfect Collection, and not some half-assed Complete Collection, which merely has all the episodes of a series, but not the best quality features and subtitles.
Well, I'm gonna go out on a limb here and say that the complete collection is going to come out before the perfect collection. Or at the same time, but the perfect won't come before. Chill the fuck out.
I have no problem chilling out, provided that you learn to read a question more carefully, and don't answer a question no one asked. When I ask a question regarding a Perfect collection, I don't want an answer pertaining to a Complete collection. Thanks, but no thanks.

Correct me if I'm wrong here, but aren't you the one that asked basically the same thing as him in another thread?
Quote:Originally posted by ElVaquero
Anyone know when a good version of the first part of Read Or Dream TV is going to be available? How about the show itself, is it finished yet? Any word on complete collections or part 2?
So how are you gonna tell him to chill out? Unless you guys have some other animosity between you two that we don't know about.
As for your other statement about how a complete collection will come out before the perfect collection . . . you can't say that. The series has been out R1 for awhile now. I'm surprised they haven't already ripped the DVD's.
Nah, the Read Or Dream set that's available here just has bad subtitles or something. I don't really care about the R1 rips as long as the set itself is comparable in terms of audio, video, and subtitle quality. Yeah, I guess I'm sorry for not realizing exactly what you wanted, but I still think a complete collection would come out before, if at all. I guess since the R1 rips will be arriving in the near future, we can all be happy with our sweetest perfections.
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