I mean, she doesn't respond to my mails anymore, I've won some auctions of her on ebay but never heard from you since I won it......does anyone here know more then I do? did she quit or something?
i emailed the guy from fx-anime.com about whether florra is now selling under a different name[and i had a guess as to what the new name was], and indeed, florra's auctions can be seen from 'animehits'
well I just mailed her, let's see if I get a reply this time

still nothing

Animehits is indeed another Florachan ebay seller name, if you cant get through to them (not sure why? :? ) you could try geniuspurple, im pretty sure that's another name they use. Or its atleast someone who is closely tied with them, as i bought a series off them and im sure the paypal email address was the same.
I just bought the Trigun series off Animehits and they responded relativley quickley, so im not sure whats going on? maybe try sending them an email from another address if possible?
I did, I don't get it either. Normally Flora replies very quickly but now I get the feeling she's ignoring me or something.
mmmmm ..... not sure then. How much time are you giving them? i know it took them atleast over a day to contact me after i payed them.
There is a sure fire way to get them to contact you, and that is to leave bad feedback on their ebay account, but i would only use that as a last resort.
Well I placed ordered 2 times and usually when I mailed my list and asked for a pricelist, I got a reply within 2 weeks. But now, it's been almost 5 weeks since my first mail, and I tried to mail her from other adresses but still no luck. I guess your option is the last one. Leaving bad feedback (since I won 3 auctions on Ebay)
There's a seller on ebay with the name 'floraxxxxx'. Is this him/her? I've bought stuff from 'florachanxxx' but never from 'floraxxxxx'. :?: