I just got my set in today (fx) and it doesnt work on my PS2. Both discs dont even read and I get the old "Unable to read disk"
Anyone else had this problem? Anything I can do?
Well....let's start like this.
1) It could be that the PS2 has such a $#!77Y player that it can't and probably wont read them. This is the most probable of the situations.
2) If you have a GameShark you could try it. Sometimes it would work for me. Just use it's R0 option for DVDs.
3) It could be that the encoding on the disk won't work with the PS2. It needs to be played in a regular player.
The PS2 really does have a crappy dvd player in it, and this is probably the reason it won't work for you in it.
Hope I was a help.

But it played my Rurouni Kenshin dics (also fx) without a single problem throughout all 12 discs.
That doesn't mean anything. Each DVD has a seperate code on it. You MIGHT have bad discs but it is more than likely one of the things I mentioned above.
EDIT-My Berserk set worked wonderfully for the longest time then one day I couldn't get past ep 20 with out the PS2 giving me a Disc Read Error. It never got past there since then and it has no Scrathes or dust or anything. PS2 is a POS.
Yeah, heck it won't play have the R1s out there either. :mad:
Martian Successor Nadesico and Robotech: Macross Saga both saw painful disc errors at the hand of the PS2, both were R1 versions. Not to mention some movies I've seen. DVD players are cheap...get one. 49.99 or less.
I can also agree the Ps2 is not one of the best dvd-players(it actualy didn't read all of my Fx Kenshin set). It's not as shitty as some people make it out to be but with HKDVD's you can never be sure. My experience tells me that the cheapest (and less precise) players are the best for HKDVD's.
I held out using my ps2 for watching dvd's for a long time but when I finally got a standalone I wish I had done it sooner (crappy gamepad as a remote control:mad: ).
Try it on your dvd-rom. If it has the same prb, most likely, dvd is faulty.
Why don't u just use regular dvd player to play the dvds?
yea, try it on a PC DVDROM- and see if it works. stand-alone dvd player would help also... after some time, the PS2 dvd laser wears out and gets worn. ugh... damn $ony!
anyways, if the dvdrom, xbox, stand alone dvd player don't work, then whoa you got trouble! :eek:
Allright, Thanks to everyone who posted. Time to go pick me up a DVD player!
I had this same problem
I suggest a Apex player
I have and AD 1200 and it plays the set and all my fx stuff very well
enjoy an excelent set from fX
I have this FX set also but it works fine on my PS2. Some disc won't work on a specific dvd player. For example my GTO FX set 5 disc wouldn't work on my sony dvd player but the disc worked fine on my PS2 which kinda surprise me.:eek:
Yeah my Berserk set worked perfectly for like the first 10 times I wacthed it then all of a sudden it wouldn't read ep 20 on my ps2. Same with my Die Hard collectors edition. Now Die Hard doesn't work right in ANY DVD player. Something with the way Fox DVDs are encoded. But I have had the same thing happen with a few other actual imports like my my Berserk set on the ps2. Man the ps2 DVD player sucks!