I'm at work and bored to death. That's why I'm surfing the net, posting coz I'm trying not to fall asleep. Too lazy to study.....dang.. have to go back to school later after work......
im sittin at home watchin "the crush" starring alicia sliverstone, fuckin dodgy movie, i probably shud be doin my english lit coursework but i really couldnt be arsed
man i suck!
HW? Man...I have physics, Calculus, political science HW.......I've not done any for the last week...everything's piling up
Who cares anyway????? I copy all my physics homework from my classmates.....political science? What's that?
BUT I have to do Calculus, I have about 150 questions due next Monday.....right b4 freaking midterm

yea but i got me some big-ass tests in june and if i fail i cant get into the course i wanna do in university or college or whatever its called, and thats sucks big time, kinda like this movie
Yeah...that movie sucks...
I'm worrying that my GPA score will drop after this sem. Been so so so lazy....I never fail exams, it's just whether it's an A or C.....
!@*%^@! I wish there's no school or exams...........
but then we'd just all be lazy bastards
All boils down to that huh.......lazy arses aren't we?
I am sooOOOOOOOOo bored.....I've posted more in the last couple of hours than I've ever did in 2 months....
cool, the guy in this movie just punched alicia sliverstone such a dig, she flew through the air like a doll, thats one for the boys, rock on!
I have Dickie Roberts on...hell...he just asked," Is it hot in here?"
Hell yes man.....it's like 31 degrees celsius here...........
really? not bad
anyway im off to bed and if alicia sliverstone is 14 in that movie then im putting some serious thought into joining the dark side

As of right now I'm watching "Cops". The old man beat the daylights out of a would be mugger, EXCELLENT.
I jsut watched Starsky & Hutch, and am now playing Final Fantasy Tactics advance. I failed Calc I, so there is no longer a purpose to life. Maybe there is, but freakin hate school now that it holds nothing for me. We'l see how it goes in college.
Was Starsky and Hutch a great movie?!?! Ben Stiller is one of THE FUINNIEST men alive so I am curious, it looks great, movies like Zoolander, Meet the Parents, etc. are so great.
It was humorous, of course fans of the old show (not really me) wouldn't be too happy if they wanted it to be like the show. I get a kick out of Snoop Dogg being in movies though. The soundtrack was good too.
Sweet I bet its hilarious, I still want to see along came polly or whatever