Has anyone played Fatal Frame 2: Crimson Butterfly?
My friend said he'll play the game and let me know. BUT then, he's too chicken to play that game sinc he said it's scary. Been what? 3 mths?
the first one was awesome !
i havent played the second one yet i still need to play that and clocktower 3 ! i need to pick up on game playing but i really dont have time to even watch anime with all my jobs.
i recomend the first one it is diffrent from anything i have ever played and it is scary as hell!
hmmmmmmmmmm......guess I'll just have to buy it then. I dunno why but the blockbuster or hollywood near my place don't have them. *shrug*
I only buy game which I will play since I hardly play on my PS2 at all.

Hehehe as i grow older, the lesser games I play.....
Fatal Frame 2: Crimson Butterfly is a definite "Must Buy" if you liked the first Fatal Frame. The gameplay is much better, and you also have some low quality film that never runs out, so you don't have to worry about getting stuck without any film. The ghost are pretty creative as well...especially the falling woman. The spooky atmosphere is still there, but I thought the ending was kinda lacking in a way. Still its worth owning.
Fatal Frame 1 was the first game to actually scare me so bad, that I had to stop playing it one night to calm my nerves.
Tell the truth, I've never played Fatal Frame I before. Didn't like the cover/illustration, hence skipped it.
Crimson Butterfly looked so much better and spookier, that's why I'm really curious abt the game.
Both Fatal frames are scary as hell. yesterday I was playing crimson butterfly by myself in the dark and had to turn it off. I think they are the scariest games made by just the story and sounds alone. It has a real feel to it.