Well i know this has been done before, but what the heck. Good for business and jobs but bad for me. well if they license an anime befroe u get a change to sample it how do they expect us to know what we are going to buy, do they expect us to but every piss of crap the license hell no i know i ouldn't but at least they should allow us to get them on fansub if people want to buy the dvd they will buy regardless of fansub. if not because of them ( fansub group) the R1 companies wouldn't have never been. Do they except us to justify our reason for buying them just because the description on a website sound nice. what really got me to post this theard is this statement made by David Williams of ADV stating "One thing fans might not know is most shows are licensed now during the financing stage, before the show is even produced. This makes a lot of fansubs pointless now. Of course, there are still old shows that probably won?t be licensed; but new shows are almost guaranteed." gotting from animesuki license thread BTW. well this is our future and this can actually make some anime fan like myself stop watching( hopefully not) which is good, i know it is illegal to fansub but at least let us know what we are goign to buy the only stuff that u don't know what u are going to expect is like x-rated movies and stuff like that but anime please let them give us a break.
Who gives a shit what the R1 companies think. I buy DVDs to watch them, not to support a company. I don't need to justify downloading fansubs, buying HKs or buying R1s, it's my money and my time.
But I can see the point of the statement by the bugger from ADV, before the reason for the existence of fansubs in the past was because those anime would have never been released in North America with english subs but now it seems almost every new show is getting licensed so you can't say the only you can watch a show is to get a fansub. Wait a bit and it'll be out on R1 DVD.
Fansubs are also bootlegs and downloading some fansubs to decide what R1s to buy is no better than buying HKs for the same reason or downloading music to see if an album is any good or not. If you download fansubs to see if a show is worth buying or not then it doesn't matter if it's licensed or not. On other boards some other posters say that they only download unlicensed stuff and bash people who download licensed stuff and HK DVD buyers but they themselves say that if the show isn't any good and it gets licensed here they will just delete the show from their hard drives and not buy the DVDs, I call those kind of people idiots.
Quote:Originally posted by matthewmalay
Who gives a shit what the R1 companies think. I buy DVDs to watch them, not to support a company. I don't need to justify downloading fansubs, buying HKs or buying R1s, it's my money and my time.
Hell man...i tried downloading GunParade March just a moment ago. I had downloaded till ep 5 early last week. Today, DUHZZZZZZ.....
no GunParade appeared on my Emule. Animesuki said it's licensed. No more links for d/l.
CRAP! I havn't watched enuff of it to decide whether I want to get it on R1s.
Quote:Originally posted by Japschin
Hell man...i tried downloading GunParade March just a moment ago. I had downloaded till ep 5 early last week. Today, DUHZZZZZZ.....
no GunParade appeared on my Emule. Animesuki said it's licensed. No more links for d/l.
CRAP! I havn't watched enuff of it to decide whether I want to get it on R1s.
[b]MY ANIME [/B]
DC++ is the way to go my friend.
Quote:Originally posted by Japschin
CRAP! I havn't watched enuff of it to decide whether I want to get it on R1s.
That's what they want (or atleast they think they want). I guess they hope that people who used to watch the fansub of something and then decide that they don't want the show, now will buy atleast the first disc to see if they like it=extra cash for the R1 companies.
Soon only the HK buyers will be able to say if a show is good or not and then all those people bashing us now will beg for our advice

You know, I hate buying anything that I have not seen before and I hate watching anything halfway.
If I have to buy vol. 1 of any R1 anime, I would buy till the last dvd coz noway am I going to give up half way, UNLESS it's really bad.
At least, for instance, I d/led season II of Slayers, heh....I found it boring all the way to ep #10, at least I tried, I gave up. I won't buy the R1s for sure.

Yeah just recently before stumbleing upon beautiful HK I finished getting the last King of Bandit Jing R1...I didnt really even want it but I for some reason bought the box set that has the first volume cause it looked cool.. ~sigh~ Oh well
Man! You didn't even want it? I've been wanting to get it for a long long time but then I always buy other sets first such as Rahxephon, Angelic Layer, Pretear.
King of Bandit is supposed to be good isn't it? I've been trying to get it on Ebay at a bargain price but then the sellers always charge high shipping...same as buying them brand new....
Amazon is too expensive...........there's only 1 or 2 places I get R1s since I've already sort of check out prices already.
Hehe....my boss said he'll help me check out prices at the distributor he gets movies. I just gave him a list. Hopefully it's couple of bucks cheaper coz it does save me some money considering what an impulsive buyer I am.
Heh.....playusa.com charges abt $10US more than Amazon.......
Nevermind, I'll get to buying that set soon....guess either this mth or next coz I have to buy a lot of other stuffs too before they run out of stock.
well normal UK play.com kill amazon on prices most of the time
USA play kinda sucks then ahh well