Kinda new to this site just bought Fruits Basket.
On the request thread it says if you want to make a request if you can include SKU #. So what is SKU #??? Where do you get the SKU # is there a list on this site to see the SKU # for the titles. Thanks for your time.
Oh on a somewhat okay waaaaay offtopic is their a Chobits R1 Rip if their is I'll buy it.

SKU # is the barcode of the set/product.
If you are not sure where it is, you can actually browse the store or the review section. Click on the sets you want, next to the image, there's an SKU #. That's the one you use for requestion an item.
If Chobits is from FX, it should be 99% possibility that it is a R1-rip.
Quote:Originally posted by ZODDGUTS
Oh on a somewhat okay waaaaay offtopic is their a Chobits R1 Rip if their is I'll buy it.
There isn't one out yet, but we should be seeing it soon. The R1's just finished up this month (or next? I forget). Since it's a fairly popular title, I don't see why FX or MAC wouldn't rip it. As of now though, one doesn't exist.
I saw the last R1 volume of chobits today for rent so I guess it is out. The last volume is just the recap episodes anyways.
Thanks for the info.

Not to change subjects but I have to ask this. Aren't you from I have been there a while but only have like 30 posts. I'm Century Slayer Gatsu on there but for some reason I can't log on anymore.
Yeah that's me. I found this website when someone posted their picture on on a thread were you can post your picture and someone used this website to post a pic maybe it was you?
If you can't log on then it means you were probably IP ban but I don't know the reason why if you were.
Oh and and your question about Blade of the immortal not being animated it's because the manga creator doesn't want his manga to be animated he believes that animation can't captured the essence of the manga or some shit like that.
I posted my pictures from here, because I was entirely too lazy.
Welcome to the forums!
Yeah thanks for "helping" me find this site.

Yeah I think I'm still banned from when that one jerkoff was running around banning EVERYONE from the site. Maybe I was one of those victims.
Anyhow I forgot to tell you WELCOME TO IA!!! As you can tell, I have more than 30 posts here!

I can ask Griffith who's was skull lord at the time and tell him to un ban you because he un ban everyone else including Xechano. Maybe he forgot to un ban you.