gotta love family guy!!
peter is soooo stupid
sweet thats good to here my tivo has a season ticket for it and I watch it every day after work

I was wondeing if they were going to do it soon for some reason it lost populatory then gained it back when cartoon network started showing it on adult swim. lol I got a season ticket for entire adult swim I think i watch to much tv

I can't wait! I love Family Guy. Peter makes some of the best remarks I have ever heard. I love how Anti-PC the show is. It is the greatest cartoon on American TV and I hope Cartoon Network gets to air it!
New episodes and a movie!!! damn!!! i hope this is true i f**king love that show!!! now all we need is new futurama eps!!

does anyone know if there is family guy hk dvds ?
Quote:Originally posted by killua-kun
does anyone know if there is family guy hk dvds ?
why? The R1s are about HK Prices. 4 discs for $36, which is $9 a disc. The same price as MI. Same goes for Futurama, which is actually slightly cheaper for Vol 2.
Same goes for The Critic boxset. I need that as well.
Alot of times I have seen R1 rips of multiple disc boxsets cost just as much or more than the actual R1, besides these sets are downright affordable.
true got all of Futurama (bargain)
and StU is the Man (or should i say BabY)
wooo family Guy rocks
i knew about this awhile ago.
i have the whole set on dvd and also futurama all the sets that are out and the upcoming one due in a few weeks.
if i had a dvd burner i would make copies and sell them to you all !
they are worth the price i recomend buying them they are awesome and some sweet extras on the family guy dvds!
It's great the show is getting a second chance at prime time... but dear god let's please not make stewie "officialy" gay... he so much better as a maybe gay but stills like to slap a girl on the rear... kind of baby...
I personally don't WANT Family Guy HK DVDs. The R1's are so cheap, and it's because they sold so well that they are making more episodes. So support them by buying more!
I knew Family Guy was coming back for more episodes (about 2 months ago it was considered old news) but I had no clue about a movie.