so what the fuck is the craic with this? tokyopop have been rantin about this in adverts for the manga for about a year and they say its coming this year!
"the original manga that inspired the major motion picture coming in 2004"
so? anyone know anything about? anything at all?
btw jim carrey should be lupin, hes the only man in exsistance that can pull it off!
not alot of info there
damn those tokyopop bastards lying again!!!
NYA An old issue of anime insider talked about some hollywood company liscensing a live movie so they were telling the truth.
Worry when there is information on it on I personally do not want this movie to see the light of day.
Quote:btw jim carrey should be lupin, hes the only man in exsistance that can pull it off!
There was some discussion in the trades about Carrey playing Lupin awhile back, but nothing more's been said. And with a big star like Carrey and a release year of 2004, you would've thought that the movie theaters would have teasers out by now. You would've even thought that Geneon (which releases the Lupin TV series on DVD) would be plugging the movie. But, in my opinion, Tokyo Pop has jumped the gun on this one. (I'm surprised they haven't acknowledged the DVDs.)
its probably never gonna happen!
what ever happened to the "hollywood" DBZ live action and remeber all the rumours but never been able to find hard evidence eg leaked script,trailers,shots etc
According to Internet Movie Database the Dragonball Z live action movie is still slated for a 2004 release date. I don't want to see these or any anime character live action.
lupin is the only one that i think they can pull off, so im lookin forward to seeing the results, although i seriously doubt itll be out this year or even next
Hollywood and Anime should never really mix into the Living 3rd Dimension (ie live action) i can just imagine them ruining it!
i mean imagine what horrors i felt when i saw the Jap Dragon Ball Live action, though actually i found it hillarious it was soooooooo bad!
now adding hollywood factor (ie majority of the time its just Money but no Brains)
That live action DBall was from Hong Kong which explains the low budget.
While i have no wish to watch the LA versions, i don't think that means that no one has the right to watch them.
If they are made, i don't need to watch them but others can if they wish.
Quote:Originally posted by CrayonShinChan
others can if they wish.
and get mentally scarred!