New movie it looks awesome !!!
im going to be promoting this movie and the soundtrack and i cant wait to get some swag for it like shirts and dvds.
is anyone looking forward to this movie?
check out the Trailer:
Yes and No!
Yes if it does the comic some justice (never really got into it but have read some issues) and kicks my ass out the water (eg Batman)
No if it destroys the comic... eg Spawn Movie was shite but the comic kicks ass! esp when malbelgia (not sure if its spelt right) gets killed in issue 100 but why did Angela have to die (well not for long anyway

so time will tell
Also Pred V Aliens will be absolutely shite how the hell could they write that script, considering there was a thousand of different possiblities- stupid hollywood loats... GRRR
bet theyll all better than the evangelion movie

damn well better be...
but you never know with big Budget Hollywood!
they just have money to spend let alone good directing or script.
i seen some concept art that had the statue of liberty moving so the evas could launch and that almost killed the entire movie for me, but apparently they scrapped the idea and it wont be set in new york anymore. they are opting for either japan or a fictional city in the future
I dont know just about all these comic inspired movies suck, x-men,spiderman,batman( except the first ), the hulk , spawn. i probably wont even see the punisher.
Another Punisher movie? I thought the Dolph Lundgren one was the definate Punisher movie, no need to remake what was once already perfected.
BTW, I'm kidding of course
Punisher is bad ass and this is one Marvel Super Hero based movie that doesnt need to be heavy on the CG, just some good ol'fashion gunplay.
the pic reminded me of Max Payne.
Quote:Originally posted by matthewmalay
Another Punisher movie? I thought the Dolph Lundgren one was the definate Punisher movie, no need to remake what was once already perfected.
I laughed so hard I think I broke my spleen.

Well I don't think it's going to be wonderful but as long as it isn't as ABYSMAL as Dare Devil was I wont have as much of a problem with it.
dont get me started on DD!
by god the only thing that barely kept me awake was that ALIAS bird as elektra cos i'd give her a good stuffing

Punisher looks like it will be just as cheesy as the old one. Too bad, cause Frank Castle is actually a decent character.
i think it looks awesome.
the special effects should be great in this day in age.
i cant wait and ill probally get to see it for free.
Quote:Originally posted by kakoi_sugoi_yama
Punisher looks like it will be just as cheesy as the old one. Too bad, cause Frank Castle is actually a decent character.
Megadeth has a song based on the Punisher called Killing Is My Business and I think that song sums up how awesome the Punisher is. Frank really is a great character and the old comics are really good. I hope this movie is going to be good and is just poorly marketed but it really does look like another DareDevil and man that movie is terrible.