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This was inspired by Kakois brother...

My movie would be a play on Gundam. It would be about Scottish Robots with kilts, and Bagpipes, and instead of a laser blade they'd have ShiLeLes (however it's spelled). They would fight Leon the Professional who rides on a Giant Bullfrog that has a chain gun mounted in it's mouth and spits Dumptrucks! The plot would be a hostile dictator (played by Val Kilmer) is hellbent on ruling the world so he hires Leon to take out the Korean Mafia and then systematically work his way into the UN. Scottland is called forward as the worlds last hope and George Clooney (played by Marlon Brando) hops into his Drunken Gundam to take back the UN before all hope is lost. The twist is that the leader of the UN, Nipplestwist MacHeimenbreakandbleed (played by Julia Roberts) is taken hostage and while she's being raped by the Dictators henchmen, they find out she is really a man. And not only a man, It's Pol-Pot reincarnated. Pol was using The Dictator and Leon as Puppets in his own skeem to dominate the world! Now George Clooney must stop TWO ruthless psychopaths from destroying society as we know it with the DRUNKEN GUNDAM!!!!
now that brought a smile to my Face


i'll decide mine soon and post it