Received more FX titles this morning.

PLZ try and get DUAL from FX next time

FX hasn't made a Dual! set. MI and MAC have, but not FX.
will you be getting furi kuri perfect collection anytime soon, and if so, could i be emailed when you do. thanks
So, is MAC usually quite THIS late? Is there some problems holding it up? I figure on them being late and all...but there has to be something affecting the normal pattern of things I thinks.
Edit: To avoid the same old question I'll elaborate. I thought i read somewhere about MAC coming about once every two weeks, is that false then or what? And rough guesses on when the shipment will come in and what kind of goodies lie in it?
Mac shipments usually take a bit longer. I'd say they're in every 4-5 weeks. When it comes to what's in the shipment, JJ just lists everything requested in the request forums. Once in awhile, some of the titles will be out of stock, so they send replacement titles and a title you may have wanted won't be available.
they used to take every 2 weeks, latetly its been slower, but i am working on speeding things up
Quote:Originally posted by Terrex
FX hasn't made a Dual! set. MI and MAC have, but not FX.
D'oh only just realised!
kumai... kumai...
Their delay actually makes me worry about the romour that they got closed down some time ago. I wonder if it has anything to do with it. But they did reply to my email a couple of days ago if that meant anything. I wonder how JJ plans to speed things up, since they seem to work on their own schedule.
they didnt get closed down, i am expecting stuff next week
I didn't mean "closed down for good" but closed down enough to get their shippment severelydelayed. I am quite sure they always have back up plan handy because I heard that it happened before.
nah they were always slow, and the more u order the more time it takes them to "scrape the order up" thus being even slower
Oh goody. That means the current shipment could be a big baddy