Hey everyone, I've been looking for the Toriyama world manga scans/translations for naruto for a long time. They took them all down from their site a while back after it was licensed. They did 105 chapters total. I was wondering if anybody here had them on their hard drive or something or know where I can download them. I know other groups have done some translations but I wanted to get the TW one since they seemed to be the best. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!
I know a place if you haven't already been told, I'll PM you when I get a chance. The place has TW & a lot of other people's scans, plus I think they have their own (which is behind).
can you PM that site to me aswell

All the chapters of Naruto up to 206, and updated whenever new chapters are translated. The best place to read Naruto, but only problem is that downloading all those images one by one is a pain in the ass.
And yes, you may thank me later. I don't know if what I'm doing is allowed, so if it isn't, feel free to mod this post (but don't suspend my account).
Are there any One Piece scan sites?