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Any Suggestions on places to buy Good Laptops?

i am saving up for one and i just want to know where i could go or what is the best site that carries the best brands. also what are the best brands that you have or have heard of being so?

let me know i need to get one soon...

im thinking a Dell or an Alien Ware computer?

If you can get one in Tawian there cheap about 1000$ less if you live there thats why I am waiting Big Grin
The best Laptops i have seen are the same two brands you mentioned. But I honestly have to say Dell takes the cake as of this moment. They have a 3.2Ghz out and it totally Rox! I saw it on Shop at Home. They even had a Dell rep on the show talking about it with the normal salseman. it was CRAZY I TELL YOU!!! I think it had an 80gig HD in it. It also had a 20" screen and an 8 x DVD BURNER built in! They were selling it for about $2500 and I thought my head was gonna explode!
Yeah i have seen those shows!
i want to see if i can find a computer that isnt a compaq with one of those 64amd processors ! i cant find a toshiba or dell or anyother computer with it.

if anyone know about that either it would help.


sift through them sometimes... i recommend AVERATEC/SOTEC brand! slim! light! mobile and VERY PORTABLE!