Who here likes/loves Japanese Rock/Pop???? Dir En Grey, Glay, Luna Sea, HYDE, Gackt, ?????
Guitar Wolf Killed it for me. JPOP can suck me off in a dark alley before I listen to it again. Have you heard of Guitar Wolf? Find them and listen, then you will die. They are that bad!
its all about
Mad Capsule Markets
they are AWESOME!!!
Jpop better than west pop- its also sleazier (hehehe)
J rock is cool but too many 60 British punk wannabee's
Theres onlt ONE CLASH
go PUNK!!!
What about J-Rock???????????????? I've never heard of them!! I'll look them up! But when I Die, Please clean my room up!! Yes Power to J-rock!! B'z is fun!! You can look them up!!:p
Sure will!
Mad capsule Market are just Crazy!!!
seen em live twice now!!!
Wha?! Twice Oo I finally looked them up...... They are full-o-Fun!! They are up there with Plastic Tree ^.~ We Love rav96!! As in we....... just too hard to explain!! ^.^b

Quote:Originally posted by Miso-Soup
As in we......
As in Weirdo!
much appreciated...
Now i want my damn "FREAK CHIP"

That's Right!!!!! Who's Sane Any Way??? Humm......... We'll have to think about it!! Every ONE love J-Rock!

Even if they DON'T know it!!!
Damn right!
"freak chips" all round!
You guys should check out Lapis Lazuli. They did the soundtrack for Guilty Gear. Man they are truly awesome.
I will look into that

I still need to play Guilty Gear!

damn sure will.. GG rocks but i always get my ass wooped by one of my mates :mad:
A friend and I went to the beach and took a PS2 and GGXX and played it from midnight to four am. We play it for many hours all the time. Chipp is my Fave. Potemkin is my 2nd and then Sol. I could talk about it for hours too. I'll stop now.