Popular stuff back in stock, aswell as a new release! Check it out!
Also, want to educate some people on the term flat rate shipping.... it means it costs same amount for 1 dvd or 20 dvds... if you buy just 1 or 2 and complain to me that shipping is too high... should I turn around and complain to you when you order 20 titles and only pay 8 dollars? say that you didnt pay enough to cover the 25 dollars on shipping that I actually spent? nuff said...
Hey JJ,
Is the Eva TV + Movie box coming? And is the quality of it lower than the stand alone TV series? The rating seems to be higher for the 3 disk TV box set.
hi, that item is still being reprinted... not yet available to reorder, the TV+Movie is same as the TV and the movie that i have in stock right now.. just that set is 1 box to hold the 3 discs TV + 1 disc movie collection
So basically if I don't want to wait I should just get the movie and TV separately seeing you have both in stock and it's the same price when you add it all up?
thats why i wait patiently and buy 1 big order at a time...
then BAM! i get the bang for the shipping buck!
im not crazy with big orders, just a decent 100~ order.
now if only MAC would start to resume production and ship their shizzle...
WHISPERING CORRIDERS - the first in a korean high school trilogy of horrors
SO CLOSE - hubba bubba, charlie's angel - eat your heart out, these are some hot mami's doing that martial art thang!
{drops dead}

JJ are you getting at me with that comment about shipping cause what i meant was that i thought i could only get away with ordering 10 discs at a time without gettin hit by customs so when i wanted 20 discs i would make 2 separate orders at the same time which is payin you twice the shipping. i would never complain about the price of anything on this site, as it is the cheapest per disc and for shipping that i can find on the net, its like anime heaven.

nah its not directed at you, only people that order 1 or 2 dvds and say that 8 dollars shipping is too much.
ok, cool.
btw have you recieved those dodgy fx discs i posted? i posted them and they were returned to me, so i guess i wrote the address wrong but ive posted them again so you should have them by now. well i forget to write my address on the note inside but theres a return address on the back of the envalope, so post them there mate, cheers
Belfast? if so got em today
yea thats them, 2 x, 2 noir and 1 berserk?
I don't have a problem with $8.00 shipping even for just one DVD as long as it is clearly stated, which it is. If you don't like it, don't buy it. Simple as that. That said, JJ, have you considered sliding scale? Like $4.00 for upto 3 dics and 50 cents thereafter. I am sure I will end up buying more if it was like that. Seems like often, while I wait for other titles, ones in the stock gets sold out by the time I get other ones.