well, im just suggesting that this site's store layout get a little sleek revamp done with the interface.
my critique is that it lists everything from top - down, in a manner thats draining to my mouse when i scroll... hehe j/k
i just think if there were like say, 2-3 tabs on that page that have the companies name on the tab, and when clicked on, in stock titles slowly appear through some magical java contraption of sorts.
this is just a rough idea... another .02 cents thrown over the border to canada. :eek:
a way to find out what titles have just been recently added to the stock would be nice also.
Well JJ will probably get mad at me for this.. But i have already mostly rewrote the Display looks of the Store Front.. and the store is getting a complete Revamp of functionality.. I will post some screenshots later. Work has been going slow on it over here though..
Here is a Picture of the Store Front..
Here is a pic of the list.> Right now it is essentially the same.. but i plan on adding a Item View.. that will be like 10 items on a page with page's. Also looking at other small features.. Like Possibitily of changing the sorting of an item by Possibly Rating etc.. (these are just some ideas.)
I know JJ might not like me letting the Cat out of the bag.. But i plan on adding our own Cart type system.. Where you can check status of your order and view past orders from your User Profile.
Hey, really nice job with the new stuff coming, Scultz! Keep it up~! ^-^ .. I think the header could use a nice bold border around it though.. (Like your "Import-Anime" header) .. it'll match with the entire website's theme better.. Is the head supposed to symbolize Japan's flag? It's nice, but it sort of contrasts with the "blue-ness" of the website.. .. Maybe putting a different symbol there, like the stars in the Import-Anime logo, or something might deem more appropriate.
Awesome work with everything else though. Keep it up!! ^_^ .. I really love the new layout, and I look forward to seeing it! ^_^
PS .. Let me know if you need help with any graphics or anything (you probably don't, but just lending a helping hand just in case ^^)
just wondering what the progress is up to right now on the sites new look. are you still working on it Schultz ?
I haven't been able to work on it for a few months with my new job and other stuff coming out to take my time.. but trust me its not forgotten.
Schultz Wrote:I haven't been able to work on it for a few months with my new job and other stuff coming out to take my time.. but trust me its not forgotten.
just outta curiosity: but what is it that u do?
i am in the Air Force. i currently switched jobs from Civil Engineering to Computer Systems. basically work in COMM in the Air Force. Not only that but my wife and i moved to new Station so sitll getting settled in.. (Still don't have everything unpacked)
but thats roughly what i do. The current place i am assigned is way more complicated then that. stupid miltiary stuff.
sounds cool.

do you wind up getting moved around a lot?
this is my 3rd duty station since i been in the air force 6 years.. More or less its how often you apply for assignments or how fast you wanna get outta a place.