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I asked earlier, but no one responded to my question. Is there a Sorcerer Hunters (Bakuretsu Hunters) HK DVD set? I'd be very willing to buy it if so ^_^
I dont think there is one... my database on the site is more or less current.. if it didnt come out a week or 2 ago... then its not avaiable
Nope. At least not yet. Hopefully ther series will come out on a Perfect Collection like Blue Seed or BGC 2040. The series looks kinda funky. I think a rental will be fine for me.
Well I don't have the option of I guess I'll be working out a trade with that guy on the trade board for his VHS collection. Thanks guys.
Yeah, I'm pretty spoiled. My rental store has a huge anime section with a lot on VHS and DVD. Everything from Otaku No Video to Sorcerer Hunters to Kenshin to Devil Hunter Yohko + about 300 other videos.