Here's something I doubt has ever been on any thread ever!
What's your favorite vegetable???
Mine is corn. I love corn, it's sweet and yummy!
Carrots. If I had to pick.
I can eat potato everyday. Fried, boiled, roasted, all good. One time I went to a gourmet pizza restaurant and ordered pizza with potato topping with tomato pesto sauce. I loved it.
I think the next pizza I make will be that potato one. HBK that sounds like something I would like to try.
It's all tasteless crap to me!
For me, probably baby carrots or pea sprouts.
I would like to change my vote to pizza. Pizza is the best vegetable.

I hope tofu counts

How about tofu-topped pizza? Being a mostly vegetarian I am, the chice of my topping's limited.
in the dorm, if corn is served, I definately eat it, especially on my salad. However, if you count the different ways to cook it, I vote for potato, since I love fried taters

Is potato even a veggie? I thought it was a tuber...oh well.
Another vote for baby carrots.
Cabbage, is mine it goes with almost everything mostly with bread.
mushrooms, any kind of them especially those that taste like cow shit
Shiitake mushroom - someone (a mushroom researcher) told me that it means grub from cow shit in Japanese (not sure if it's true or not).
Mushrooms are probably my number 2 veggie-food-thing. And after reading Matts post I don't know if they moved up a point on my chart or down one. :eek: :confused: :eek: :confused: