Restocked some more FX titles today, including Slayers Box set and few other goodies.
Want to remind everyone to make sure that their paypal email is valid, so that my emails don't bounce and you end up emailing me asking why I haven't emailed you etc etc etc...
More FX? This is the third straight FX shipment since last Mac and 7 outta last 9. Why so many FX and not enough Mac!

Is Mac coming any time soon?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
MAC is slow, FX is fast... so there will be more FX before MAC ~_~
Does Mac ship in big quantity and FX small? Is this the reason for difference in freuquecy?
well sorta, MAC shipments are big but FX shipments together add up way more than MAC at the end...
Well, Thanks for the info. That's a real bummer. Mac has so many exciting titles that I wish it was the other way. I am assuming that Fx is probably shipped from US. That will make a shipping a lot faster. Hey Mac. Get your act together, darn it. What's good having many good titles if you cannot ship them fast enough.
FX is shipped from asia too... but I hope to have MAC end of next week
I hope a representative from Mac reads this board. Then again, looking at the quality of their original subtitles, that' probably too much to ask of them:p