I'm guessing (hoping actually) that MAC will be putting out Banner Of The Stars I & II. They did a good job on Crest and since it's a fairly new *hk* release (which I only hear good things from), I expect that they'll the other two seasons. FX should be releasing Mahoromatic Season 2 as soon as that special comes out.
Figure 17 is finishing up next month, so I'm hoping for a quick release, although I may end up getting the R1's.
I'm personally looking forward to most of the one's stated above (Chobits, Witch Hunter Robin, Full Metal Panic, Haibane Renmei, Happy Lesson, Sugar, Last Exile). I also hope for series that have been out for awhile like Samurai Girl Real Bout Highschool and You're Under Arrest.
i would like to see an import set of devilman lady (devillady) with english dialogue. you would think they would have done that by now!!. or even part 10 to dragonball z ( english version ). or even the missing episodes of ping pong club. i know those are somewhat old news but a lot of this newer anime sucks!!!
King Of Bandits : Jing Perfect Collection !!!!!
MAC had it done then now FX has it out and hopefully the sites store will have it next week.
we also need to see some other rips of american shows like family guy or futurama or regular shows like x-files.
anyone else want to see that too??
You can find x-files HK DVDs on ebay. And what's the point of having family guy and futurama HK DVDs when the R1s are pretty cheap (like 30$US a season), you won't save much by buying HK DVDs, plus I think its more risky to sell bootlegs of those series compared to anime.
Yeah I like to see a chobits rip.

Chobits, Saiyuki, Card Captor Sakura.
Hmm..why does only MAC rip R1 hentai?
There's also Super Gals (1 more R1 to go) and Angelic Layer (quite a good serie)
Ain't SuperGals 50 something episodes? That means the R1s are a long way from finishing. It would make a nice Perfect Set though.
Louie's already finished? Thanks! I can't wait for the FX rip!
I hope you realise this whole thread this all speculation, will there be a Louie the Rune Soldier HK Perfect set? Only the HK companies know.
I would also like to see Super GALs. The MI set (which is quite good) stopped at episode 26. But AFAIK the R2s also are only out to ep 26.
http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/detailview.html?KEY=BCBA-961 Hopefully the R1s will contain the whole series.
Concerning Sugar, the MI set is nearly perfect. So only wait for the R1 rip if you really want English dub.
Didn't Raxephon (sp, perhaps) have it's last DVD released?
Yea the last DVD was released last year. The show was total and complete garbage. Well, the OP and ED are one of my faves though...
Rahxephon Fx is already out.