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Full Version: Angelic Layer: the hell?
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Has Anime Cartoon made a new set with actual good subs this time? The original set has the Manga International label and the subs and editing for 14-26 sucked. The Anime Studio version was the same. I haven't seen this one around yet, any idea what the verdict is?
That's an AV set, im guessing its just an MI rip though, same number of discs. I have the AS set of Angelic , didn't find it too bad, then again I think im just fluent in engrish now Smile heh.
Aren't there fan subs for the series? Pick those up.
AS set is suppost to be good... plus they have all 26 episodes in the set... no part 1 then part 2.... AND i beleive AS set came out before AV set.... i know that MI part 2 set didnt come out when AS COMPLETE set WAS out...

ps. I have a set for sale hehe Wink