Hi, i own FX's kenshin box set and all my my dvd cases kinda got ruined and i but luckily the dvds are ok so if you have the FX's covers can you please send them to me
thanks in advance.
Have I got this right? Your cases are ruined so people who own the Kenshin set should just send you theirs?
And why is this in GenBab??? Is this meant for JJ to read so he might send you replacements????Do you want someone to post actual sized pics so you can make your own cases????
Quote:Originally posted by Prophet Hero
Have I got this right? Your cases are ruined so people who own the Kenshin set should just send you theirs?
Hahahaha. sure, let me go empty out my cases and mail them to you. Go out and wait by your mail box. they'll be there shortly.
Guys you didnt understand me, i didnt mean that some one should send me his cases ,what I meant was if someone can scan his covers for me and send'em to me via email or any other way that will be great and you will be doing me a great favour.
so please if any of you can help....

i feel you bro...
{muffled giggles}
common guys anyone?
help a desperate guy
I would I got it in perfect condiction and watched it but I got no scanner

I have scans but they are 500 x 320 pixels roughly so they will look pretty crap!
I dont mind mate, its something .
how much do they take all in together?
if you can please send it to my email:
[email protected]
thanks in advance