Cartoon Network's Adult Swim will be host to none other than Rumiko Takahashi's Inu Yasha TV (sure it isn't Maison Ikkoku or Ranma 1/2 but I never would have thought that Rumiko Takahashi would be on American TV).
Also Gundam Char's Attack will be shown on Adult Swim.
Expect Dragon Ball GT soon as well.
Oh yeah Big O 2 will be coming out as well (Yup Cartoon Network as well).
no cartoon network here in canada ~_~ time to get a dish but pirated card heh
Damn that sucks. But heres a saying I really like from John Opplinger at
Cartoon Network is good for anime but its not good for anime fans.
i also heard rumors that cartoon network will be getting the new ghost in the shell tv series..... as a simultaneous release with japan....
now THAT sounds awesome....
too bad i'm from canada so i don't even get cartoon network.....
Damn. Canadians should demand it. I'm currently enjoying Hamtaro and Dragon Ball. It's a nice diversion from my real work.
the only anime we get are the ones they show on YTV...... escaflowne, sailor moon, gundam wing, dragonballz (X_X), Medabots, Digimon, all those other monster shows, and i think on sundays they have Power Stone..... but i have yet to catch it u_u
then again i only have the basic stations....... maybe teletoon shows some also.... but who knows :p
I don't really watch anime on cartoon network. I prefer DVD or VHS. I already bought the first 26 episodes of Inu Yasha on HK. Oh well. The dub will be fun to check out.
teletoon has Card captor Sakura (which YTV has also i think) aswell as YuGIoh... also Fox shows some anime shows on weekend mornings...
all of it is crapola

childish junk
Quote:Originally posted by "JunkieJoe"
teletoon has Card captor Sakura (which YTV has also i think) aswell as YuGIoh... also Fox shows some anime shows on weekend mornings...
all of it is crapola
childish junk
nope... YTV doesn't have ~cough~ card captors ~cough~.... and how could i forget about yu-gi-oh... oh yeah, cause the show stinks....
and yeah i forgot that FOX shows some also..... but just like YTV they aren't that good u_u
Quote:Originally posted by "Steve_the_Talking_Pie"
But heres a saying I really like from John Opplinger at
Cartoon Network is good for anime but its not good for anime fans.
Do you have the URL of the article he said that in?
I'll look into it. I can find it. It just might take a little bit.
Card Captor Sakura or Cardcaptors? There's a huge differerence, and I ain't talkin' about the dub. The series is hacked and slashed unmercifully to make Li a main character.. The episodes are out of order, some are skipped entirely, and much of the plot of the series has been removed to make it "suitable for american audiences". Buy some subs before you condemn CCS! ^_^
The series has some kick ass animation. I might buy it come Christmas (God knows I'll be backed up with other stuff till then). There is some channel on digital cable that shows tons of anime. It has shown Ninja Scroll, Demon City Shinjuku, Patlabor Movies 1 and 2, some Blue Seed, Perfect Blue, and Macross Plus.
Tokyo Pop is going to release a Vampire Princess Miyu DVD Box Set. It's going to be $99.99 and it'll include a soundtrack and a charm. ^_^ Check it out in late November.
Don't you hate it when anime companies release box sets, after they originally release separarte DVDs? I mean separate Miyu cost $240. I feel bad for people who actually spent that much for it.