Its been a while since we had a new layout update to the site.. well here it is.. Hopefully you all will like it..
Update: Had a few problems with the forum integration but its fixed now..
Looks great, guys! Keep up the good work!
The new look is wonderful! Great job by all.
The only problem is that when you do login, you can't see the stats that you had in the upper left corner (where you login and logout). This isn't a superbig problem, but I would like to have the info there.
it will be re added soon

It looks great Rob, but if I saw you working on it one more day at 3am in the morning.... I swear I was going to chokeslam you.
looks good.... though having a bottom scrollbar at 1024x768 resolution isn't a good thing..... but barely anything is cut off so it's all good n_n
but i really never got a chance to see the site before it.......
it's all cool though... as long as everything works it's great
yea I noticed the fact that it doesnt fit 10 by 7 exactly as it should (it was designed to fit 10 by 7 correctly) its on the to do list, should be fixed shortly
alrighty..... it wasn't really bad or anything.... just thought i'd let you know n_n
Quote:Originally posted by "kakomu"
The only problem is that when you do login, you can't see the stats that you had in the upper left corner (where you login and logout). This isn't a superbig problem, but I would like to have the info there.
yea with new layout isn't enough room up there for it.. But plan to have the username as a link to your Stats.. make it a little easier..
There's a problem with trying to edit a review. I get a error that reads - "Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /nfs/ank/home1/i/importanime/public_html/comments.php on line 119" So you may want to wade through the code and figure what went wrong.
Quote:Originally posted by "kakomu"
There's a problem with trying to edit a review. I get a error that reads - "Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in /nfs/ank/home1/i/importanime/public_html/comments.php on line 119" So you may want to wade through the code and figure what went wrong.
Ok thanks for the report.. its fixed now..