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Anyone know when the Banner of the Stars perfect collection is coming out.. the one w/ the english dubbing?
No. If all the R1 are released then it could take between a month and forever. No one here knows release dates which you would have known if you read the FAQ on top of this forum.
thanks for the info, but no need for you to be a snob about it.
Since Crest of the Stars was recently released by Mac (and seeing how the Comming Soon Page on animegod doesn't have Banner I & II) I would assume that they weren't working on it yet. However, I am really looking forward to those two sets (Crest was very well done by Mac). Both have been out for awhile, but I'm sure Mac will get to it eventually (or we could all e-mail them requesting it).
I don't think he's being a snob at all. I think he's just tired of lazyasses who don't want to read the FAQ that's stickied at the top of the forum. It's there for a reason. Read it!!!

Let me know how you feel about the 20th time someone asks you why the sky is blue and you have already answered 20 different times that you have no idea. And you've even put up a huge sign that says I have no idea why the sky is blue'.