I've been playing Lunar: The silver star story for a while now and just recently got Lunar Legends for GBA. I started playing and feel more disgusted the more I play. It's the Silver Star Story screwed up, big time screwed up!!
I'll play it, just to see the ending but if you've ever played the originals, stay away from this!!!
Yes I noticed after I bought the game that it was made by a different studio then the ones that made Lunar for the PS1. Sorry about that...
No problem, it's still a really good game. It's just a lot easier and the story is kind of messed up. Played alone, it's a really great game, but if you are a fan of Lunar at all, you won't like it.
Morg , you can send me your Lunar: Eternal Blue to make it up to me!

I thought it was ok, it was more like the Sega Cd version than the Sega Saturn or PSx version.
Well we can see about the L:EB game I will check and see what the going value is and if it is good I'll order you a copy, but hey where is my Christmas gift from you... huh
Anyways yea Lunar on the GBA is closer a kin to the Sega CD, but the Lunar on the PSX is with out a doubt the best. And Lunar EB on Saturn was a blast.
Yeah I too have the PS Lunar. It's some of the best Rippage ever!!!
I never played it for Playstation or GBA, but I have the original Sega Cd versions.. both of which I beat.. great games!
I pray that a Lunar 3 will be made. If it does get made and working designs localizes it in the US and say the game comes out in Japan in 2005, the game will come out, say, in 2010 (for the PS2) in the US. :mad:
i would hope lunar 3 would be multi console (i hate ps2)
well currently the company that holds the rights to Lunar (in Japan) is in major trouble. The never released the rights for a major anime on the series and it has died out. If there is a Lunar 3 I hope WD does the translation. Look at Lunar on the GBA on why and how not to do a translation...
NO KIDDING!!!!:mad: :mad:
My question is: Should i buy Lunar: Eternal Blue for Sega Saturn or for PSX?
Actually Lunar for the Saturn sells for a good deal less than Lunar for the Sega CD and the Playstation. That being said I think that pretty much shows that the other two Lunars are actually more collected than the Saturn Lunar. Also if he doesn't know how to read Japanese the Saturn Lunar would just be a complete headache unless you've acutally played it before.
True but I think that matbe a great Idea for anyone though. Saturn RPG's seem to go up in value over time. But any RPG on the PS seems to go down. Lunar maybe the exption...