Cowboy Bebop and Maison Ikkoku. They're just too good for words. I also really liked Jubei Chan : The Ninja Girl Secret of the Lovely Eyepatch. Classic Stuff. Though I've never seen(all of them), I hear EVA(6 episodes) and Kenshin (12 episodes) are the undisputed kings of anime. :mrgreen:
I really like Blue Seed, especially for the price. The Perfect Collection for $40 is definately worth it, at Best Buy.
I have Bebop and Ikkoku, which I hope to get to see ASAP.

Hopefully I can find the time to finish up the Fushigi Yugi OVA set and Card Captor Sakura TV box 1 this week..As well as Oni Tensei which I have less than a half hour left of..

Once I finish those I plan to watch Cowboy Bebop.. I usually watch a long series and something else at the same time.. Like one disc of Kenshin, followed by a movie, then more Kenshin, etc.. It kinda breaks it up. I have some short stuff, like KOR movie, Kenshin OVA #2, and a few other movies I'll be throwing into the mix too. Jubei-Chan I'd like to check out at some point.. I didn't think a good HK was out, is it?
No there isn't an HK set out for it Jubei Chan. Enjoy Ikkoku. :mrgreen:
I'm shocked that Akira is absent from your list.
This is one of the essential anime for its place in importing history if nothing else. This is the first anime I can remember getting theatrical releases throughout most of North America billed as anime.
Also, where is Castle of Cagliostro? You've got most of Miyazaki's movies in there but are missing this classic. Action, romance, comedy, and mystery all wrapped into one of the best movies ever made.
I would also recommend Memories and Trigun as additions to your collection.
Other than those few nitpicks to your overall colletion, I'm very impressed.
Now fill in those gaps. :lol:
I actually have Akira on VHS, but only have my DVD stuff on the list. I realize its importance but I don't like it very much.

Castle of Cagliostro I do need to pick up.. I think Miyazaki did some sherlock hound eps as well so I should look into those as well at some point. Trigun's on my list of things to buy in October.. Memories I've heard one really good review of and another review that wasn't quite so favorable.. You need to catch me in chat, Zagatto... I could have sworn I caught a They Might Be Giants reference in your exiting ICQ message the other day.. =)
Don't don't don't lets start...
About the Akira, have you seen the recent rerelease?
The new translation makes so much more sense than the original.
I can understand not thinking it's great though. I mostly think its very important to have seen as a prime example of a genre.
Miyazaki also worked on the Lupin TV series, Future Boy Conan, and Anne of Green Gables, along with the Sherlock Hound series.
I'm your only friend...
This is a quick list. If I wanted to post a huge list, I would have. Maybe one day I'll take the time. Though I think you'd be more qualified for the job Zagatto. I hear your collection is crazy. :mrgreen: I haven't even seen EVA or Kenshin. Some otaku I am. :wink:
I haven't watched Kenshin yet either... I've got the first two sets sitting on my shelf waiting to be watched but I only watch an average of an hour of anime a day (some days get 5 hours... others get none).
Right now I'm on ep 4 of Initial D Second Stage. My wife and I are really enjoying this series.
My only real advantage here is how long I've been watching anime.
...must be tired... starting to babble...
True. I can only watch anime on the weekends due to my schedule.
Anime for me is an addiction :twisted: , I watch up to 4 eps per night, sometimes 3 or 4 series' at once.
Is that SAD or what, BTW i really liked the Akira rerelease, it made a little more sense and was more appealing!
Shibo, where is Ghost in the Shell?
one of my fav movies!!!
and I don't really want to know what others think!! :twisted:
hehe!!!! no ruining my fresh little mind here, no no!!!
Well Irresponsible Captain Tylor and Kodocha should be on too. These series are hilarious. Personally I hope Tylor comes to Adult Swim along with ohhh say Maison Ikkoku. :mrgreen: I love the Maison Ikkoku dub. VIZ did a great job.
I want to get Adult Swim, but anyway maison ikkoku doesn't seem to be on their list of things to come sorry Steve!!!
You're right because they think all anime fans are fan boys in ten day old X-Files shirts, who need to see some mecha or violence. Otherwise it wouldn't be anime, right? Seriously though.
By the way my X-Files shirt is only 6 days old. Man Gillian Anderson is hot.