With the talk lately of automatic weapons I just had to share this little news item.
I'd like to point out that I used to work in Grand Rapids and I currently work in Stoney Creek. The idea of shipping a gun internationally like this just baffles me.
It really doesn't surprise me. It's Michigan, what do you expect?
I live just outside of Metro Airport... blah.
I need to make some friends playing games. Maybe I could broker a deal for a Rocket Launcher.

"While it is illegal for a 15-year-old in Michigan to buy an assault rifle, there is no law prohibiting a parent from giving it to a child. "
Sounds extra weird to me because we just had the first ever school shooting in our country a few weeks ago. A 16 year old shot the headmaster through the ehh. head in the middle of a full kantine. The whole coutry was/is shocked because we thought this only happened in the US.
So, is it possible to buy a fully automatic assault rifle in the US without special permits? If so, why?
I'm pretty sure you need all sorts of paper work, but you could always go buy something out of someones trunk.

I really see no reason for civilians to own fully automatic weapons. V_V
it was not fully automatic, if it was mother that game that boy that gun, that means she bought it, full auto weapons are prohibited, even in the USofA ;p
semi auto max, ak47 replica
The local paper also reported it as an automatic assault weapon.
There is no mention of what model it is but they did say that it was tested at the local police station.
I'll see if I can find out what model it is and whether or not it's fully auto.
I can't speak for the legality of them but I do have friends back in Michigan with fully automatic weapons. The coolest of them in my opinion is the fully automatic 12 gauge even though I really can't see the application of it. Not even in combat.
I wouldnt be surprised that the paper reported it wrong, lately I seen too much bullshit in the papers, where they twist things to sell more papers, they wanted shock value so they put automatic instead of single shot 22 cal rifle that looks like ak47.. seen it happen too often
My grandfather use to say " believe none of what you hear and half of what you see " come to think of it - I think every bodys grandfather said that--With all this CG stuff out there- we should probably say- believe none of what you hear and none of what you see--
I'm glad someone brought this up again.
One of my co-workers brothers is the principal at the school this kid went to. I was able to get some pretty specific details about what happened.
The truth is that the gun was a fully automatic AK-47.
That just scares the crap out of me.
I'm trying to figure who's parent is going to buy their 15 year old son that kind of fire power.
Ive never seen or used any automatic weapons but my parents do have some world war 2 rifles.
I completely agree with you, CrayonShinChan!! There is ABSOLUTLY no reason for a civilian to have that kind of fire power!!! NONE!!
I'm not saying they shouldn't have guns or know how to use them properly, but no child should need one.
We handle those kind of weapons so that our civilians don't have to...
did any of guys watch bowling for columbine? a lot of it was about guns and michigan. Flint, michigan to be exact. You know the columbine kids were originally from michigan? as well as the oklahoma bomber and a bunch of people (including Michael Moore).