Seeing as the holiday season has ended, do you think perhaps that it might be approriate to take the Christmas images off the website??
Just a thought, make room for some of May Lin's newer creations!
because i am too lazy to remove them right now.. ;o)
When you do get around to changing them, could you perhaps put up some Ranma 1/2 pics? Preferably Mousse and Ryoga.

Quote:Originally posted by Feral
When you do get around to changing them, could you perhaps put up some Ranma 1/2 pics? Preferably Mousse and Ryoga.
I will see what we can do.. most of the new images where given to us by a member of the forums..
I just sent JJ 3 Valentine headers, a Full Metal Panic!, and a Ranma 1/2 header. Unfortunately, I couldn't find nice high quality pictures of Mousse and Ryoga, but I found a nice picture of some girl o_O;; .. ^^;; .. They all look the same to me @_@ .. .. ..
Being that Valentine's day is within 2 weeks or so, I didn't make more than 3 headers (and I can't think of any I may have at the moment lying around my computer anyway)
And as far as the headers go, anyone can feel free to PM me about a header or character they'd like done. Try to have characters from anime not yet used in the rotation ^_^ Thanks~ (If you request more than one, I usually do the first one, and then do the other one when I run out of headers I want to do)
Schultz, hun, be long as you don't make up for your laziness when you get home and spend all your time updating the site! You have a wife you must attend to.
May, you are awsome!! The headers are always top quality!!