Well my fine going anime friends. It is time I posted an update on why I have not been around. (if you care that is) I came back to Okinawa on Jan 6th an was informed that I would be living in a new place come jan 27th. Where is this new place you ask...?
Minot Air Force Base, North Dakota... I will tell you. That is right this will be my last post from Japan. When I arrive in ND I will await my computer and then I will talk to you then. Until then watch a little extra anime for me... Later
wow... i hope you don't go crazy in north dakota. my friend [flew into the blue] got sent to idaho, and all he did was get depressed.
if i were you, try to PCS or TAD out of CONUS, there's no way you want to sulk here... its supposed to be an adventure, not torture...
i know that within a few weeks you're gonna go tip a cow...

I had been wondering where you had been lately......

Now I know. And knowing is half the battle.
Hope your trip here is a safe one.
Alright Morg, glad to hear your coming home...sorta! I hope you have a safe trip! Let us know how things are going when you get the chance.
Not that i'm that important, but i'm back, well for a while I think, I dont even know anymore, its hard to juggle Shcool, the G/F, Sports and work...I'm so tired. But hey I'll finally be leaving high school in May!

oh btw, is steve still around?
Hey Morg, don't forget that we all have a Con to descend on in our future. We will follow you to the states soon enought. I got my christmas present today. Thank you!! I don't know when I'll get to play it, but I'm sure I'll make time!

Quote:Originally posted by GTR_Ripper
oh btw, is steve still around?
Yeah, he pops up every now and then.
Good to hear you're coming back state side, but North Dakota?? Don't go stir crazy up there!
well I'm here in the frozen tundra that is North Dakota. I miss Okinawa a lot but things here aren't so bad. Just the thought of having to plug my truck up so the engine doesn't frezze is intersting though. I am using the library's computer for now I will try to post daily and like I used to once my computer get's back. Oh and I am going to the con this year back in the states and will be there. Shibo, Schultz, Liz, Kakoi, Dark, Vicsious, I plan to see you there as well, but not dressed as Sailor Scouts...lol
Thanks for the good words more updates later....
As Pokemon perhaps??

I'll be attending Nan Desu Kan in Denver this September if you're up for it, Morgy.