Just wondering what u guys think about them and what ur favorites is. well mine is Kenshin First OVA. Now that is what u call a sound track
Inuyasha OST III has to be one of my favorite anime OSTs.
As well as:
Gundam Singles History
Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ Special
I'm also very fond of pretty much all the .hack OSTs.
KOR, definatly KOR...
Also adding in most of the Initial D ones...
Cowboy Bebop! I'm saving up for the box set. Hellsing has some pretty good music too.
I almost forgot Love Hina. Now there's some music to aerobicize to...
Serial experiments Lain has a good soundtrack, Boa made the theme song, Duvet. Great song.
Also Cowboy Bebop, a blend of different styles.
Fist of the North Star and Ranma have some really nice music. Akira and Nadesico are great too!
How can you not like You wa Shock?
I like the Flcl,Orange road,Abenobashi,and utena ost
The Shingetsutan Tsukihime OST is currently a favorite for me.....great music, check out the series if you have the chance.
Cowboy Bebop OSTs for Anime, and Guilty Gear XX #Reload for Games.
haibane renmei-very enjoyable