I can't find episodes on the net to see it, but reading upon reviews, some people saying that the characters are great, even when the episodes are 'fillers' they are fun nonetheless. What do you guys think about this series? Does it have a 'La Femme Nikita' feel? Cosnpiracy here and there?
It seems that the DVD avaiable here, the video quality is bad, is there any other HK company that has a better quality?
I'm really on the border to buy this series, from the pictures and most reviews, sounds great...

Welcome to the community.
I have to tell you that Noir is the same series that lead me to find this site over a year ago and I'm still here even though I got the AS version of Noir which I still use as a standard for bad subtitles.
You should ask JJ to get the ACMAC version of Noir in stock. I have this version and can vouch for the quality of this release. The video quality isn't 100% but it's still better than VHS. You can see my full review of this title in the reviews section.
It's easily worth the money for this set and a fun series to watch.
i have to say i really enjoyed this series. it's definitely a fun little thing with a bit of intrigue and mystery throughout the show.
i've got the FX release and i was kind of disappointed with the video quality. it is definitely watchable and enjoyable, but not up the r1 quality. but by no means is it a horrible unwatchable rip. there's pixelation here and there, especially in the high motion scenes, but it's not horrible, nor does it really detract from the show.
if you're on the border i'd say get this set. although i liked it, i don't plan on buying an r1 copy anytime soon, nor do i know if i'd watch it again. last exile on the other hand....i loved that show! only a week and a half until dvd 2 comes out

Thanks for the help guys!
I've just made my order:
His and Her Circumstances Perfect Collection (Hilarious!)
Cowboy Bebop Perfect Collection (its Fun!)
I will definetely buy 'Noir', on my later orders.
This site is great HUAHUA

Personally, Noir was not my thing. I didn't like the show. Brief enough answer?

I have to agree. It really wasn't my thing, either. Though, Schultz really got into it.
the show would have been better with less flashbacks and about half as many episodes.
I can definitely agree with that.
If they cut out 90% of the flashbacks, the story wouldn't miss anything other than lots of filler to make a full season.
Probably four or five episodes worth of repeated flashbacks can make this otherwise great series tedious at times.
I found the show basicly underwelming. The premise sounded so cool, but the execution was just too poor for me to have any real emotion for it. The two things that realy annoyed me were
1. No blood. I don't mean to sound petty but a show where over a hundred people die, and that is about assassins needs to have some blood period. i know why it didnt but regardless It should have had some. People get shot and their arent even bullet holes. If im not mistaken a woman gets shot in the face and when we see her next she doesnt even have a scratch on her. Though i might have had that wrong(its been quite some time since i saw the show) I think you know what im getting at
2.The story line revels in its convulutedness. Filler after filler after filler episodes made me forget what exactly was going on sometimes. The story was weak, it wouldnt have been that bad under normal circumstances, but I was expecting it to carry the show since the action sceens left me unsatisfied in their dryness, and in the end the story was simply not enough to overcome that.
2.5 This also irked me. why is the japanese girl assassin(Kirika I think) an inhuman killing machine while her corsican partner is basicly a chick with a gun that shoots some people. Their power levels were just too disproportioned for my taste.
I have to admit i loved the music of the show particularly the score that played when killing was about to take place.
I personally didn't mind the lack of blood.
The direction of the fight scenes was superb and the music is what made it gel.
I probably would have liked this series even better if they had edited it down to a 13 episode series. The ideas weren't strong enough to justify the whole 20 something that were made.
I feel the pros outweigh the cons in this series though and it's worth watching if you want a decent espionage story with some great music.
hello. well, in my opinion, i think noir is pretty good. the amnesiac girl,the blonde chick, all of it. I think it has a great story line,but i also think(from what i've seen)it could have a little more action. welp,that's it for me.

Noir is a great series- my FXcopy is practically perfect , Outlaw Star is always a very good choice as well as Cowboy Bebop. I understand how some may not like NOIR, it is different-- but isnt that what makes the world go round !
Bye the way-- welcome Strawberry to the Forum !
Quote:Originally posted by puzzleguy
I understand how some may not like NOIR, it is different-- but isnt that what makes the world go round !
the thing is that Noir really isn't that different. It's more of the same. And it gets really boring or it has some bad enemies (like that Faye clone with poison fingernails. I mean, what the hell is up with that!?)
Well...I liked Noir. Just the way it was...it caught my interest. Watched the whole thing in a weekend I think... Anyway, I think of it as this:
Noir...is Noir(the descriptive word). That's obviously what it set out to be. And flashbacks are a integral part of the Film Noir genre-so it's hard to fault what was so intentional in my mind. I think that the series was very well put together to be Noir, so if you don't like that kind of thing you obviously won't like Noir. Wow...I think I managed to confuse myself...I hope you got it. :confused:
I got the Manga International Version. The video quality and sound quality was good, and the subs weren't perfect (R1) but they were still good. Its R2 ripped and came in 5 discs but it didn't have any of the video problems the FX set is having (at least not for me). I thought is was kinda over-rated. THe music wsa good, and i liked the camera angles (if you could call it that) they used when they were shooting people. The plot is not as good as it seems to be, but over-all i have to say its an above average series.