Anyone here have the AC-MAC Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex set? No reviews on it here, but it is a 3 disc version, and a different subtitle list shown here (Italian):
Import-Anime Listing
I wonder if this is a decent set? The others are pretty poor at the mo.
I haven't found anyone selling them, and was going to post a request here if it is any good. Primarily pic and Subtitles. Post a review if you could. Thanks in advance... anyone???

well if the other ac-mac releases are anything to go by, i would guess the subtitles are horrible. i can't think of any ac-mac releases offhand that have had a good subtitle set. if i were you i'd just wait for the r1s to start coming out this summer or pick it up on digisub.
Digisub? You'll have to excuse my ignorance here

Quote:Originally posted by furii
well if the other ac-mac releases are anything to go by, i would guess the subtitles are horrible. i can't think of any ac-mac releases offhand that have had a good subtitle set. if i were you i'd just wait for the r1s to start coming out this summer or pick it up on digisub.
I have to disagree with your AC-MAC comment because all of the AC-MAC releases are just rereleases of the AV/MI titles..It's not like they are independent releases just packaged with AC-MAC...For example I dont see any problems with my RahXephon AC-MAC set which is originally the MI set and I dont see anything wrong at all with that set....I could list more if you want....
Quote:Originally posted by napalm68
Digisub? You'll have to excuse my ignorance here
Digisubs are just free fansubs that you can dload using bit torrent...This is probably the best site for digisubs IMO..
Quote:Originally posted by Rei1781
I have to disagree with your AC-MAC comment because all of the AC-MAC releases are just rereleases of the AV/MI titles..It's not like they are independent releases just packaged with AC-MAC...For example I dont see any problems with my RahXephon AC-MAC set which is originally the MI set and I dont see anything wrong at all with that set....I could list more if you want....
MI does do decent subs (at least now) but i wasn't aware that AC-MAC was just rereleasing AV/MI titles. i guess it just goes to show that you should be careful for what you're picking up and do research on it. of the 3 volumes of juuni kokki that are out by AV supposedly the first one had decent subs and they drop off considerably in quality on vol. 2 and 3. of the few hk originals i've seen i wasn't very impressed with the quality so i tend to stick to digisubs and r1/r1 rips.
and as for digisubs, i tend to like more than animesuki. it seems to be updated more frequently (at least while i was using both of them) and it also lists OSTs and licensed anime.
So can anyone recommend a decent sub on DVD of GITS:SAC?
as far as i know, there aren't any. MI came out first, then FX ripped MI, and apparently the AC-MAC is a rip of the MI as well. the MI release had understandable subs, but not the greatest, and apparently a lot was lost in the translation.
my recommendation: get the digisubs or wait until something new comes out.
currently #animeone on has a bot with eps 1-19, and you can pick up LMF's fansubs on bittorrent via
Thanks Furii, I'll give it a go trying to figure this out - you are still speaking a foreign language at the moment though :p
Groan, just read that the subs on the last 4 eps suck on the fansubs - they got them from the mi release. Damn it. That ruined it FFS. They screwed up names so bad you couldn't figure who they were talking about until too late.
i believe you are talking about a group called tAn that released 23-26 a few months ago on USENET and bittorrent. the laughing man fansubs are supposed to be good and you should have no problems understanding them.
on a related note, LMF is going to also be doing 2nd gig (the 2nd season of gits) so keep an eye out for that. is LMF's page
Quote:Originally posted by Rei1781
Digisubs are just free fansubs that you can dload using bit torrent...This is probably the best site for digisubs IMO..
Not really, because if something is licensed, it's immediately taken down, like Gundam SEED [when there were 2 episodes left in the series.] is probably the best site, and it's updated hourly with new things all the time.
Quote:Originally posted by Suzakuseikun
Not really, because if something is licensed, it's immediately taken down, like Gundam SEED [when there were 2 episodes left in the series.] is probably the best site, and it's updated hourly with new things all the time.
Suzakuseikun, yes you are right but still that is not always the case because people still post episodes up of copyright anime up all the time, along with OSTs and pretty much whatever they feel like posting up. When fansubs were just a VHS thing people still would sell liscensed shows all the time. Just because you have trouble finding copyright anime doesn't mean they aren't up...If you go on you can dload Inuyasha and Berserk as I'm typing this and I'm pretty sure if you go on E-Mule or Kazaa you find digisubs of liscensed shows...
You completely misunderstood what I meant.
AnimeSuki takes down copyright material. They're only really useful for anime that's out and popular, though they do have a good listing of fansubbers. What I was saying, was that is better for finding your digisubs on, because they don't take down the copyright links like AnimeSuki does.