I have an opperitunity to go to Taiwan to Tapie all summer from last week in June to last week in september. Does anyone think I should do it I am not sure but has anyone here been to Taiwan let me know what you think and did. I have been all over mainland china and I am planing on going to Tokyo if I dont to to Taiwan
I'd go just to see how EVERYTHING in the world is made. You couldn't possibly come back empty handed.

if you have the choice i would go to tokyo. my friend has been there twice now and he loved it. needless to say i was extremely jealous

but i wouldn't say *don't* go to taiwan, i would like to go there as well. either way i think you'll have a good time at either place but my money would be on tokyo.
I'd go, but that's just me and my Asian fetish....lol

Don't pass up this amazing chance to travel and learn about a new culture. The Asian Culture is so differant and so old compared to what we have in the states. Personally, I would love to serve my next tour here in East Asia (Just not this base) but back to the states we must go.
Unfortunately, priating is on a huge downward trend there. HK and Bangkok are now the only havens for goodness.
Well Taiwan is home to AV & Sonmay & Everanime so i'm sure you'll have some fun. If not, at least there is loads of yummy food.

I have a special Fondness for Taiwan, it was the place of my birth. Its a really nice place....if you can take all the smog in the the cramped enviornment inside the the major citys Taipei and Kaoshung-which isn't to bad[the same goes for Tokyo and Hong Kong]. You really should try to visit Taiwan if you have the chance, it has some of the most beautiful countrysides and the Citys are always open to alot of stuff to do and the food is great....oh and bootlegs are there too.
Tokyo is an Ok city..... but after living there for a couple of months...its not as glamourous as many American....or European Otaku freaks imagine it to be. I can't tell you how many people I've met who think that Japan is the world portrayed through its anime......its kinda frustrating to try to tell these people how these places arent' innocent wonderlands with anime and video games in everystore and where everyone is super nice and polite. Anyways, I had a nice time there, but there economy is so messed up [all the prices on there products are jacked up], there is that smog problem, and the cramped environments might take a toll on you....

Crossing the road in Taiwan was kinda scary since i am used to cars stopping at pedestrian crossings. But otherwise i love that place.
Yeah prices in Japan are crazy. You can get the same anime toys at a fraction of the price in hong kong. When a pack of 6 peaches costs over USD$100 there is something very wrong!
But then if you go to the big second hand anime stores they have really good deals on some items. Cheap electronics can be had too i found. And soooooooo many wacky gizmos. Don't forget to press all the buttons on the toilets too.

I am going to Tawian instead its alot cheaper plus I meet a few girls online who know english and know where to go shopping hehe so I am going for the entire summer so its all good

I cant wait I even got an apartment to so no hotel unlike in china
Quote:Originally posted by DARK OSAMU
I'd go just to see how EVERYTHING in the world is made. You couldn't possibly come back empty handed.
:p :p :p
Quote:Originally posted by Ka-Talliya
Don't pass up this amazing chance to travel and learn about a new culture. The Asian Culture is so differant and so old compared to what we have in the states.
If you go, just a note.. be cautious of what you eat and drink. My friends say they got food poisoning at least once everytime they went ^^;; .. (I haven't gone yet myself, so I can't verify this) .. just be careful ^^; .. I hope this doesn't discourage you from going though.. don't pass the opportunity up. I'm definitely going there in the future, perhaps after I graduate high school
Yeah food poisoning is definitely something to look out for. My brother sucumbed to it... but he is quite prone to it.
didnt have a probblem in china and been there 4 times last year of course I got the anti food posing shot its not called that but its supposed to prevent it and u dont want to know what I ate there LOL