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Hey all of the HK releaes FX/MAC/etc are bootlegs correct? If so I was wondering where do they get their sources for artwork or the DVD's. Do they justget R1 or R2 dvds and duplicate them?

And are they anime companies gonna do anything about it????

Sorry if this has been covered before, forgive the noob!
As far as artwork I do not know. BUT...HK meaning Hong Kong, where this stuff comes from has no copyright laws. So they rip EVERYTHING...they have shops there where you take a cd and point or tell them what games you want and in like 5 minutes they give you a ripped cd with like 20 games on it. They copy EVERYTHING!!!! China is like the home of ripped media!
So it's one of those things where its not exactly illegal but not legal as well. Or something to that effect. God my analiges suck -.-
Maybe an Oxymoron?