Anyone ever have a dream as dumb as I had the other night??? Here it is....
I was in a hotel and it was very dark outside and dimly lit inside. I went downstairs to see the Hotel Shop...why this place had one I don't know but....I go past the reception desk and I look over and HITLER is standing there. Behind the counter he is signing people in!!!! I realize I'm in Germany itself on vacation and don't know why. I go up to Hitler to see if it really is Hitler and aked his name. He was Hitler! I asked him, "What are you doing back alive? You're supposed to be dead!!!"
He tells me he is reincarnated to try and take over the world again!
I asked him " Why are you running a Hotel then?" He responded, "No one would suspect a chain of hotels secretly holstering an unstopable army now would they?" I turned around to think a minute and walk into the gift shop. It is divided right down the side sales German products and the other sales Austrian products. I turn back to Hitler even more confused now and tell him that I am going to report him to the U.N. He grabs his hat and runs outside. I follow him out and he crosses the street as I am exiting the building. I then woke up.
HItler was back to take over the world via a Hotel chain. WTF?!?!?!?!
I guess the real question is what did you see recently to make you start thinking of Hitler... or was it just a bad experience in a hotel?
I'm pretty sure that everybody has messed up dreams though. I've got one that I still remember from years ago where me and my best friend were pirate hunters on the high seas (does anyone know where the low seas are?). That part of the dream was pretty cool until we started hunting after the dread pirate Fluffy. It turns out that Fluffy was my buddies cat and in the dream he was dressed kind of like Puss In Boots. I remember Fluffy holding both me and my buddy of in a great huge sword fight.
At least I didn't have Hitler in my dream though...
I think because of the day before I had the dream I saw a documentary on Hitler on the History channel as I was flipping through at my Aunt and Uncles place. I haven't had a dream this stupid in a long time though.
Well here is the piece of a dream that I can remember from a couple days ago:
I was driving polar bear cub (that's right, DRIVING) I pulled him into a parking space, and jumped off. I asked my father (he was suddenly there) why leave the poor polar bear there. He said "Everyone else is leaving thier fucking cars here" then walked away. I felt sad for the bear so I walked over to him and told him he could come with me. We (the bear and I) walked around a strip mall until we found a barber shop/bar, we walked in. Behind the bar was a very tall man with a very thick handlebar mustache he said "Fucking dogs aren't allowed in this bar!" I told him "He is not a dog. He is a polar bear." he said "Fucking bears aren't allowed either" So the bear and I walked out of the bar/barbershop and sat on the curb and watched the sun go down.

LoL, Hitler, thats just scary
Maybe we should watch out for Paris Hitler and her family!! LOL!
Man is that slutt disgusting!!! Why did you have to ruin my day?!?!?!?! Now I'll never be able to sleep tonight. NEVERRRR!!!!!!
I've been having this reoccuring dream atleast once every month...
Weel, it always starts off with me and a bunch of my friends standing on a boardwalk somewhere.(each time a different collection of friends) And then like all of a sudden this clown jumps out and starts chasing us down the boardwalk. It's kinda like a chase sceen from the old Scooby Doo shows.(music and all) After awhile he starts catching my friends, and eating them while he's running! (I don't reccomend this as it gives one an upset stomach) After awhile I'm the only one left, and right when he catches up with me...I wake up!
Darn the bad luck! I wanted to see if the clown was really old man Jenkins!
Nope! I'm afraid it was Don Knots!!!
You're wrong. It was Phyllis Diller and the Harlem Globe Trotters.

I found out the TRUTH!!! It was Scooby Dumb this whole time in disguise!!!! That Bastards was out for revenge on the motive of Scooby Doo turning him in on the premises that Scooby Dumb was a pyromaniac and had set Old Man Jenkins' barn on fire. It was the lost episode entitled, Fires of Hell: The Wrath of Scooby Doo - The Mystery Machine Murders!!! They didn't air it because Scrappy gets raped by the Ghost of George Washington Carvard while the rest of the gang was turning Scooby Dumb to the cops!
You guys can really run with a topic can't you?? I think it's great!!
Quote:Originally posted by Lonely_monkey21
You guys can really run with a topic can't you?? I think it's great!!
And with that statement it all died.
I think the weirdest dream I can remember, or atleast the weirdest type of dream is the ones where I'll being playing a video or watching anime in my dreams. Why is this weird? I watched the Brother's summon from FF8 about 2 years before I ever even started playing FF8. Just stuff like that reminds me that there's a lot more to this world that we really understand.
Actually the post didn't die. See After Fred was killed and buried in a slaughter house, Jerry Lee Lewis sacrificed a piano by lighting it on fire, which inturn ressurected Freds rotting skeleton. This gave Freds remains incredible powers to rule the world with an Iron, maggot infested fist! He took over the planet in '73 and put the show back on the air. This caused the Mystery machine to have a new V8, which lets them now engage the haunted houses with much more power and needed confidence to solve the mysteries. Casey Kasem (however you spell his name) was then posessed by the disembodied head of Vincent Price, which led the gang to beleive it was old man Whithers until the 7 season where they all went to college. This was called the lost season because it was never aired. CASE CLOSED!!!!
but you forgot about Shaggy, Scooby and Thelma installing a flux capacitor in the Mystery Machine so they could go back in time to stop Fred's reign of terror. Then Shaggy had sex with his own mother after the sock hop and she later gave birth to him.