Who can tell me where I can get my hands on some hide mp3s? I have been all over the web trying to find some with no luck at all. Import cds are so pricey that I want to sample before I buy...Hey! Is there such a thing as HK Import CDs? (yes, i'm only making that connection now)
Thanks in advance!
The only place ive seen anime soundtracks has been on suprnova.tk youll need bittorrent to go there. Check it out!
Check sites carrying SM Records or Ever Anime titles.

no real "hk" cd's but you can go to
to listen to most japanese music made in the last few years. tis a beautiful thing.
you can find me bringing humor and delight to the project j forums which is a fine japanese rock music website itself. check it out.
By the way, when I said most japanese music made in the past few years. I mean most music, from America, Korean, Japan and god knows where else. Most music regardless of time. It is the greatest website to ever exist. I also have a few links on my website, which is the first one on my signature. I have looked for a long while, so I'm trustworthy enough to give you maximum goodness.
PS I like "j rock"
pps what the fuck..
Do they have Guitar Wolf??? MAN they suck!!! I think the name is just to sucker people into buying their albums...that's what my friend said after he bought it.
Thanks for the tips! Found a bunch of stuff on that projectj site that I'm playing right now.