Another major update of FX titles, alot of titles are restocked aswell as quiet a few brand new releases added! Check the STORE section for a complete list!
Also want to remind the international buyers about the international shipping fee that has to be added separetly via "add 4 dollars" button at the top of the store page, please refer to FAQ for more details.
Then could I purchase it ahead of time? I'll send you an email about it.
Hey Joe,
Will you guys be getting anytime soon restocks for the Berserk Perfect Collection (FX), Rurouni Kenshin Limited Edition Boxset (FX), and is the Cowboy Bebop (FX) set the remastered edition I heard about a couple months ago? Any correspondence would be appreciated.
Will you be restocking Evangelion FX? Haven't seen it in your store in a while. Any info is appreciated! Thanks!
yes to all those questions ;p
Lol, how efficent

Does anyone else have trouble with FX dics? at certain spots, whenever i play the disc, whether it be on my DVD player, Computer or XBOX, it always freezes at certain points. i presume its the disc, but is there any ways around it?
Quote:Originally posted by scooter
Does anyone else have trouble with FX dics? at certain spots, whenever i play the disc, whether it be on my DVD player, Computer or XBOX, it always freezes at certain points. i presume its the disc, but is there any ways around it?
It is probably accessing the 2nd layer and so freezes or pauses before going on... so I guess the answer would be no, there aren't any ways around it... some disks are more noticeable than others when this happens...
2nd Layer? please explain. i am not very tech-savvy
Hey Scooter, what's up.
Well as far as the FX discs go, most of the time they won't cause any problems for you. But certain discs for whatever reason (the way they are made/thickness/width) just have trouble playing in certain players. In my case, sometimes they will play awesome in my PS2 and not play well in my XBOX and vice versa. I've also have had some problems (rarely) with a real DVD player or my DVD-ROM on my computer. Actually the only discs my computer DVD drive can't read are the Rurouni Kenshin Boxset Discs. If you have tried everything, the best I can say is return them for an exchange and most of the time you will get a pair of working discs. I have noticed that the discs of FX sets usually get better as time goes along. I remember the first edition of the Berserk Perfect Collection release discs didn't play as well as subsquent editions. Usually what happens is I show some of my friends some of my anime and they like it so much I just give it to them LoL (great friend I am ;D) and order another one for myself. That's how I know there are subtle differences between newer and older manufacture of discs.
As far as a solution goes, the only help I can offer you is that either exchange the discs for newer ones, or if you really, really want working set of anime get the Region 1 versions. But I'm sure you already know how expensive Region 1 anime is.
And the layer change Amethyst is talking about is when the DVD switches to the 2nd layer of data. The new DVD's that are coming out are holding more and more data (DVD9), and that is why there are 2 layers of data to read. When a layer change occurs it appears to pause the video for about a split second and then plays normally. From what you've posted I don't think you are experiencing this problem. When my FX releases change layers it just does the normal split second pause and plays normally. If there is a problem reading one of my FX discs its usually in more than one place.
Hope any of what I typed helps.
- rupinder
Wel, there goes money down the drain. I'd exchange them but its past the point where i can do so. Unless, is there a way i could get a replacement from Flora? I know that my chances are incredibly slim to none, but what are my alternatives?, ya know. oh well, i guess i will have to resort to renting the R1s. thanks guys.
If you got the sets from IA, just send JJ a msg and ask if he could replace the defective dvds for you. JJ's really nice about it all the time. Ask him, if he says yes, send the defective dvds back to him and he will send u the replacements as soon as he gets them from Flora and gets your defective ones.

Yeah, I agree with Japschin, scooter, Joe is a good guy ask him for some help with returns.