I have a couple issues I would like to raise about my order, since the faq's page does not cover the issue of damaged products.
I recently ordered the Inuyasha Perfect Collection Vol. 2 from this website, and I received my order yesterday. however, its condition was less than perfect. When I opened the box set, I noticed that the top of two of the three plastic beds that the dvds rest in were broken.
Furthermore, The first and third discs had a lot of problems when I put them into my dvd player. They would freeze up in spots, and after a moment, would skip to a spot a minute or two forward from the spot it froze at. On one instance on the third disc, in "Part B" of the third episode, "Kikyo Captured by Naraku", the episode froze and refused to play again until I ejected the disc and put it back in. I tried my usual method of dealing with skipping and freezing, which is to skip to the next chapter and rewind to the second right after the moment it froze, but it would not even rewind at all, even after I had ejected the disc and went straight to the next chapter from the scene selection menu. I had to skip the end of that episode and go on to the next episode. Not even the "stop" or "next chapter" buttons would work, and I tried this on both of my dvd players, which are by no means bottom of the line players.
Now, my question is, is there any way for me to exchange this for a better copy of the same product? Thanks a lot.
Now, the packaging defects are a small matter to me, even though I am disappointed by the cracked plastic it's really the discs that are my main concern. If I could just get a replacement for the first and third discs of this set, I would be satisfied. Thanks.
Quote:Originally posted by Lasher
Furthermore, The first and third discs had a lot of problems when I put them into my dvd player. They would freeze up in spots, and after a moment, would skip to a spot a minute or two forward from the spot it froze at. On one instance on the third disc, in "Part B" of the third episode, "Kikyo Captured by Naraku", the episode froze and refused to play again until I ejected the disc and put it back in. I tried my usual method of dealing with skipping and freezing, which is to skip to the next chapter and rewind to the second right after the moment it froze, but it would not even rewind at all, even after I had ejected the disc and went straight to the next chapter from the scene selection menu. I had to skip the end of that episode and go on to the next episode. Not even the "stop" or "next chapter" buttons would work
that is exactly what happened on my onegai techer p.c from episode 10 onwards and my maison ikkoku pc on disc one from episode 5 onwards. they work fine on my dvd-rom tho, so b4 i go and buy a standalone i wanted to know if u think theres a problem with my ps2 or the discs?
Quote:Originally posted by trunks dg
that is exactly what happened on my onegai techer p.c from episode 10 onwards and my maison ikkoku pc on disc one from episode 5 onwards. they work fine on my dvd-rom tho, so b4 i go and buy a standalone i wanted to know if u think theres a problem with my ps2 or the discs?
i'd say your ps2 to tell you the truth, i have seen a ton of people have problems playing even r1 discs in their ps2, let alone FX discs. i'd suggest geting a standalone player. supposedly daewoo are cheap and play FX discs well. i got a 5 disc panasonic dvd-f61 that has played every fx disc i've put in it for about $120.
check this thread too:
what do you mean exactly by "standalone" player?
i played this in my regular dvd player, and it's not a cheapie one either, and it had all these problems. Are these problems common to bootleg anime dvds like this?
Quote:Originally posted by Lasher
what do you mean exactly by "standalone" player?
i played this in my regular dvd player, and it's not a cheapie one either, and it had all these problems. Are these problems common to bootleg anime dvds like this?
actually my response was to trunks and not really your issue. what kind of dvd player do you have? the price doesn't really matter. actually it seems like the cheapie ones are the ones that play them best, go figure. check the dvd player thread in the general babble forum to see what is good. personally i love my panasonic dvd-f61 5 disc changer, and it plays everything

Mine is a Samsung, I also have an Apex player.
Lasher - Not sure if you know this yet, but all of the Inuyasha Pt. 2 Disc 3's are faulty. Flora will have replacement discs ready (according to someone on the articnightfall boards) after Chinese new year.
Quote:Originally posted by Terrex
Lasher - Not sure if you know this yet, but all of the Inuyasha Pt. 2 Disc 3's are faulty. Flora will have replacement discs ready (according to someone on the articnightfall boards) after Chinese new year.
Dohz...after Chinese New Year? Man....that means I have to wait abt a month before I could get my replacement? *SOBS*...........

Quote:Originally posted by Terrex
Lasher - Not sure if you know this yet, but all of the Inuyasha Pt. 2 Disc 3's are faulty. Flora will have replacement discs ready (according to someone on the articnightfall boards) after Chinese new year.
How are the discs faulty? x_x I haven't actually watched mine all the way through, so I don't know.
They weren't pressed properly (from what I heard). I'm not 100% sure if ALL the discs are errored. I checked mine and it has the same problem that Lasher had and Wing Kei (I appologize if I spelt it wrong) from the articnight board said he tested 10 disc 3's and found the same problem (which actually brought me to test mine out). If your planning on picking the set up, I'd advise to wait until the new sets are out, otherwise, you'll just end up waiting for replacements.
Quote:Originally posted by Terrex
They weren't pressed properly (from what I heard). I'm not 100% sure if ALL the discs are errored. I checked mine and it has the same problem that Lasher had and Wing Kei (I appologize if I spelt it wrong) from the articnight board said he tested 10 disc 3's and found the same problem (which actually brought me to test mine out). If your planning on picking the set up, I'd advise to wait until the new sets are out, otherwise, you'll just end up waiting for replacements.
I just ordered the set last week and received it in the mail yesterday. I only watched each disc for a few minutes just to make sure they played, and disc three started out fine.
When you say they weren't pressed properly, what exactly do you mean? x_x How, in detail, does the disc mess up? Does it just skip, or what?
Sorry for asking so many questions~!
When a disc isn't pressed properly it can mean many things. Sometimes it isn't pressed at all, sometimes it doesn't press a small section, but in this case, I'm guessing something was wrong in the info. Since most discs have this error (I think it's at 20:37 of the Kikyo Captured episode), it has to be something wrong with the equipment used to press the third disc. Although, maybe the master disc used was faulty (which is just as plausable). When a certain section isn't pressed, it will cause the thing reading the info (dvd player in this case) to either skip forward to find the next block of information or it will just stop and continue to try to read from the blank section over and over.
Quote:Originally posted by Lars
I just ordered the set last week and received it in the mail yesterday. I only watched each disc for a few minutes just to make sure they played, and disc three started out fine.
Sorry for asking so many questions~!
I think all our dvd #3 started out fine. It's just the Kikyo Captured episode. I think it's Part B of that episode that freezes. Mine froze/hung the same as Terrex.
No sorries for asking questions. The forum is here to help, I think!