Before buying some, I tought (sp?) that it was a bunch of friends who burn DVD with their personnal computers at their homes and makes cheap gatefolds.
But after thinking of it, this seems pretty stupid, so how is it? Does it have a lot of employees, some big building, etc?
And also, do they have to hide from the police and law or do they just dont care?
Well from what i have understand these are considered "legit" pirating companys because they use actually dvd press's like any normal dvd producer would though they sometimes try to remove the press # from teh dvd's.. And from what i have read is that there are bootleg companys that take there dvd's and do just like backups like you are used to and those are considered bootleg companys there.. hehe way different then america.. ;o)
Quote:Originally posted by Schultz
Well from what i have understand these are considered "legit" pirating companys because they use actually dvd press's like any normal dvd producer would though they sometimes try to remove the press # from teh dvd's.. And from what i have read is that there are bootleg companys that take there dvd's and do just like backups like you are used to and those are considered bootleg companys there.. hehe way different then america.. ;o)
I'd be interesting in buying those back-up DVDs...hehe since there's probably no compression
Compression depression

I saw a documentary about the dvd9's (hollywood movie rips) and how they were made. These dvd's were made in factory's located on huge ships which lay for anker in front of (I believe) the Hong Kong harbor.
It was interesting to see and i wondered if the anime HKDVD's were also made there. It's supposedly impossible for police to go to the ships and arrest everyone because there is a small army of armed criminals on board.
Quote:Originally posted by elcoholic
I saw a documentary about the dvd9's (hollywood movie rips) and how they were made. These dvd's were made in factory's located on huge ships which lay for anker in front of (I believe) the Hong Kong harbor.
It was interesting to see and i wondered if the anime HKDVD's were also made there. It's supposedly impossible for police to go to the ships and arrest everyone because there is a small army of armed criminals on board.
you sure that wasn't an Arnie film you been watching?
No, Why? I can't verify this but they showed the ships from the shore and the gangsters on board was speculation from their part because they couldn't get any HK officials to comment (which says a lot). I don't know for sure but it seems like a smart move and very possible that these factoryships really excist. I'm only telling what they told on the documentary which was made by a respectable tv station.
BTW to clarify things I wasn't talking about the anime HK's but the hollywood rips business (stuff they sell at which is a little bigger than the anime business.
I think I saw this in a Sammo Hung HK Movie...
I never saw it, but someone I know said that he got (I think it was) a Tomb Raider DVD (pirate) that was a recording from inside the theater. The guy who was recording it apparently ummm... "passed gas" while recording the movie...