I don't think it's that wierd. I hate all Pokemon games, but if someone really wants a rare un-released gameboy game, $33 isn't that bad of a price.
There was a bid retraction then. It was $135 earlier (!).
Holy crap, now it's over $130 !!
You guys think that's messed up, there was an actual aircraft carrier being sold on ebay a few days ago going for around 8 million us dollars. Guess it got taken down cause it was up there on the 31st.
I think I will send the guy an email after he wins it with a Rom attached.

To each his own...
The truth is some peopl ewant to have the rare releases here in America, others like us will just downlaod the ROM to play it. IMHO, pokemon sucks and pokemon games suck, but again to each his own...
There is always crazy shit on ebay, stuff like selling nothing, to a banana that went up to 30,000 dollars before ebay closed the auction (I bet that guys pissed LoL).
A couple of years ago this game was going for twice as much so this doesn't surprise me at all.
Ebay is fantastic if your a seller, you can make a ton if you have people trying to outbid one another and selling the right item at the right time.
Aren't they releasing this in the US for GBA soon? :p