What happens when I finish KOR? I'll tell you, I'll be out of a anime love comedy series. Preferably looking for a anime love comedy series circa 1980's which involves courtship and is semi-down to earth. (a la Maison Ikkoku or KOR). Definately I'll prefer shonen over shojo but I'll still watch it (Marmalade Boy was decent but kinda girly for me. I like the series to be somewhat masculine). I'm looking into Kare Kano, Graduation OAV (not Gravitation), or possibly Rurouni Kenshin (I know it's good but not sure it really fits under love comedy). Any suggestions are appreciated.
love category eh?...
Best of Kitty
Bible Black
the list keeps going and going... like the energizer bunny hehe
lol hentai stuff ^_^
Rurouni Kenshin ins't really a love comedy.. hard to define the series actually.. There are love elements.. But this series manages to be funny and serious at the same time, especially once you get into season 2.. Buy it, man, you'll be happy you did, it's amazing. As far as other love comedies.. I'm assuming you have the Tenchi stuff? I suppose that qualifies somewhat. The Ah/Oh! My Goddess stuff is fairly short, but I enjoy it.. I hear many good things about Love Hina, I'll let you know after I get that series, possibly next week depending on prices of other stuff I'm casually tracking on EBay
Note : Searching for love comedy . Plus no SHE-MALES or TENTACLES. Tentacles are ok in my book for a nice friday night watch. Bible Black and it's she-males are just kind of creepy.
Ah Megamisama is one of the best out their I love Kosuke Fujishima. Love Hina is pretty good I have all the manga and the first two region1s I like it give it a try! 8O

I've seen some Tenchi but haven't been a big fan. The series is pretty out there. I especially like the series when there is only one set girl to get ie Maison Ikkoku's Kyoko Otonashi, Kimagure Orange Road's Ayukawa Madoka, or Ranma 1/2's Akane Tendo.
Definately Get Love Hina. Also try out Ah My Goddess and Vandread.

Vandread is a love comedy? Ah my goddess was good. Saw the entire series in less than 24 hours. I thought about it, sometime in February I'm going to watch all of Kimagure Orange Road in one day. That's right the entire 48 episode (20 hour) TV series and maybe I'll throw in an OAV volume and a movie. Also would have to figure out bathroom breaks. I'll need lots of caffeine. Mountain Dew, Coffee, and Coke will do.
I'm tellin ya, it's not exactly the typical love fare but Rurouni Kenshin is nothing short of incredible. Better than KOR in my eyes and that's saying a hell of a lot. Two totally different types of series of course, but 40+ hours is a lot of time to develop an incredible story. It delivers, big time. Trust me. ^_^
Hana Yori Dango...I know you like from a masculine point of view but watch it its really realyl good..
I'll definately watch Kenshin (however I like modern day stuff better). Rei once I finish what I've bought in the past couple of months, I'll watch Hana Yori Dango because if you talk about it a lot (God knows I never shut up about Maison Ikkoku) it has to be at the very least decent, if not really good. So After I finish watching what I own, it's on to Hana Yori Dango, Dragon Ball, Urusei Yatsura, Macross, and Love Hina. Wow that's a really good line up, especially if I can throw some Tenchi Muyo and Blue Seed in there.
Wow, Don't Leave me alone Daisy is funky. It's only 12 episodes and it's going no where fast. I'm into episode 10 already (I've owned the set twice and both times it screwed up on episode 8, finally got a working set, third time is the charm I guess ~_^). Anybody who is looking at this series I think you can't go wrong. $39.98 for 12 episodes subtitled on two discs. The series can be annoying but it is a love comedy (though a far out and absolute strange one). Some say the protagonist's (named Techno) love towards Daisy (affectionately called Daisy by Techno, hence the series name) borderlines rape because he even ropes her up to keep her. Though it's definately not that way, it can appear that way to some. I'll let everyone know how the last two episodes go. After this it's straight up Cat Girl Nuku Nuku and KOR OAVs till my Gundam Wing tapes come.
Finished Don't Leave Me alone Daisy. Overall it was very medicore. I could never root for the protagonist Techno, because he pissed me off constantly. With a series like KOR, I was always cheering on Kyosuke to pimp it with any hot women (especially Madoka).