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Full Version: OMG happy birthday JJ OMG!
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Happy birthday Junkie joe!
Have a good one, JJ!
Thanks guys ;p I'm getting old ~_~
I don't know you JJ but anyone who sends me anime is considered a friend so happy birthday! Smile Smile
What to get the guy who has everything??? (anime wise that is) :confused:
Oh yeah, Happy Birthday!! Now go party!!
Happy Birthday, JJ!!
What are you now, 30?? Just kidding!!
Evelyn wishes you a happy birthday too!Big Grin
Thanks Everyone and Ka-Talliya, dont remind me... I am staring at the second half of the 20th decade already ~_~ I feel a middle age crisis coming on heh
Happy birthday JJ. Cool
Happy Birthday!

Damn it must suck having a birthday so close to Christmas.Sad
Happy Birthday JJ!
Happy Belated B-Day JJ!

Oh and if your old what does that make me?
I'm not sure if this is late or anything, but:

Happy Birthday man!

Happy B-day man, welcome to the 25th year of your life!!!
heh actually its 24th... i said i was staring the middle of the decade, wasnt living it yet ;p
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