Just wanted to say that i will not be around the site much for probably around 4 month.. As most of yea know i am in the Air Force and i am deploying to Iraq here in a few days my Length of deployment is 4 months.. I am hopefully that I will be able to do updates while i am there.. I am taking my Laptop with me.. but don't expect to see me post much, just maybe something here and there.. Hopefully after 4 months i will have alot of cool things done with the site and put them live when i get a chance..
More important than a live site is a live Schultz.
Keep your head down and remember all your friends here in the forum.
See you in 4 Schultz, and be safe bro!!!
Keep cool and stay safe.

We'll miss ya around here, and keep low!
Keep safe and best of luck

Yeah Schultz, I'll miss you as much as NyxCalm! At least you get to store up some good GenBab conversations for us to hear. We'll be waiting Bro!

Take it easy Rob and stay out of trouble ;p let the Marines take care the rest while you play the modded xbox in the calvar air conditioned tent ;p
Take good care of yourself, Schultz!
See you when you come back!

Take care of yourself!
haha there is no luck! air force got intelligence and brains, so i know you'll be one step ahead of hajis! NEVER EVER TRUST the TCNS, and i hope you make use of your MREs than CAMEL MEAT! semper fi man!

...Four months? You expect me to survive 4 months without you? You're crazy. :p
We miss you like crazy already.
You best come back in one piece. Be Safe, and don't play too much X-Box.

I get sad just reading that post...
I bet you'll miss him like crazy, and I can't fathom what you're going through.
Hey everyone thanks.. Just posting this from BWI Airport.. while i am waiting on my plane..