What game are you most excited about this winter??
I am torn between Mario Kart DD and The Hobbit. Both on GC!
I am also interseted in F-Zero, Billy Hatcher, and Wario...all of which are GC titles. If I get loads of loot this holiday I hope to get one of these fine looking games!
What are you gonna get with your stax o cash?!?!?!?!
Fable(project ego) halo 2(i think it out in winter, too lazy to check).
There is a few i want, but im too lazy to go find all the names.
and possibly anything else I can get cheap whether it's for GC, PS2 or Xbox.
well there were a few but its like this, i sold all my stuff when i was out of work 8 months ago after all my money in the bank runs out and i still cant find a job, the ps2 went almost last. now im doing a little better and so i wanna buy a system because i remember how fun games used to be. i shop around the systems almost going for the 99$ zelda gamecube bundle, never really considering the xbox, but in the end i opt for the PS2 due to the fact that none of the games i really wanna play are on the GC, dont get me wrong the GC is a fine system but i go where the games are, anyways im all happy, i go to gamestop where i have been taking advantage of their buy two get 1 free game offer all week and i buy my ps2 with free dvd remote and controler........and i play it for like 10 min. then i go to my room and read a book:confused: .... i used to love games! now all i want for christmas is some new running shoes, so i can go running in the morning. what happened?
garritynet , sounds like middle age happened ~_~
I think that if I get enough Christmas loot I will buy One Piece Grand Battle 3.

how old do you all think i am?:confused:
im not old, im young, im hip, im still with it, i can shake my groove thing, just ask my kids. seriously i just turned 20, i took a year off to watch anime and im going back to school in the summer.
Your ahead of the game and have hit the 30's bypassing your 20's. What will happen now garritynet is your wil hit 35 have a mid-life cirsis and try to find you lost bar scene era. I suggest getting back into games hardcore with true gamers and then go out and have a beer or 2...
My wish list has one item on it being home for it x-mas...
i started playing again today and i figured it out, i suck at games. after almost a year withouot playing any games, im terrible, lol, thats why i diddnt want to play, i just diddnt realise it. i started plaing jak2 and after i started to get the hang of playing again i couldnt put it down. im not old, just rusty. i also have nine games which is way too much fo my fragile attention span, i cant focus on any one game, ive always been a one game at a time kinda guy.

I just got Mario Kart Double Dash .. it's nice, but it's a bit complicated. I guess it depends on what kind of game you want. Actually, double dash didn't live up to my expectations, although my brothers say that it's the best game they've ever played (And they play a lot) .. It's sort of more on a basis of multi-player, so if you like that kind of stuff, I'd suggest you get Mario Cart DD
But, on the other hand, I heard a lot of awesome reviews on The Hobbit, and it looks like a good game.. so.. if you're having friends over a lot over the holidays, I'd say Mario Kart DD, but if you're going to spend quality time with yourself, Mario Kart Double Dash ^^;
Edit: Forgot to add, getting Kingdom Hearts (FINALLY! LOL) for Christmas, as well as DDRMAX2 (YES! XD) and Karaoke Revolution (That'll be interesting.. XP ..) .. ^^; I got PS2 this Christmas (Well, I'm getting it .. :b .. My mom hid it somewhere XP). Probably one of my more spoiled holidays ^^;; ..
HOLY CRAP is Kingdom Hearts one of the BEST RPGs EVER!!!! I played the heck out of that game. I put 30 hours on it in 2 days! NO JOKE!!! Plus when you are in a jobless town you tend to have that kind of time.
But yes May...You will not be dissapointed with that game! Get it and play it and get the bonus ending and it will rule you! I can't wait to get my hands on part 2!!!
Legacy of Kain Defiance.
Amazing voice acting + better gameplay than the previous titles (or so I've heard) = one hell of legacy of kain game.
I'm interested in playing Viewtiful Joe as well.
LOKD is the first stepo towards where I hope more games go to...
An more effective form of story telling. You have a huge and deep story that makes you think and yet you are the one exploring the world that it is...
Oh and another game to get before they are no more thanks to a Sega lawsuit... Simpons Hit and Run
Well... I traded in some old anime that I wasn't going to watch any more and picked up Karaoke Revolution and SSX3.
In the seven years I've been married, I haven't made my wife laugh as hard as she did the very first time I tried playing Karaoke Revolution. Having her rolling on the floor and gasping for breath made it even harder for me to sing the song I chose.
That was the last time I played the game but my wife and some of our friends quite enjoy playing it.
I am really looking forward to playing SSX3 but have promised my son that I won't break the seal on it until he gets here in Christmas day so we will have an even playing field when we sit down to compete. All the reviews I've read of it make it out to be one of the top games of the year on any platform. My mom is giving him his own copy on the GameCube for Christmas so he won't have to do without.
The game I REALLY REALLY want to play is Lupin III which was supposed to be out last month but has been pushed back to early next year. I'm excited to see how he makes the digital leap seeing that my first exposure to him was in the classic arcade game Cliffhanger.
The other game that I'm salivating to play is Gran Tourismo 4 which is also slated to be out early next year. I've even erased my saved game in GT3 and been playing that again just to build up my skills again.