We need an IRC channel or something where we can shoot the shit when we're bored.. Anyone know how to set one up?
Nope. I can program text based RPGs and make a fascinating Bean Dip (okay so I need some help from Julia Childs but it's all good).
yeah. Its not that hard. I can set one up if ppl want it. if u don't have it, get mIRC.
you should totally set one up, Pepsidude. It would be a fun place to chill out at night or during those boring times on the weekend =)
Shit, how did I managed to double post? Bah. I do have Mirc. I think my wife uses it

What the hell is Micr? I'm so damn sick right now, I can't think straight. I went delirious cleaning the freezer. It's actually kind of a funny story.