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Another day gone and i got nothin school is horible and life as well. After a whole week off for thanksgiving they actually aspect us to learn something for the reminding 2 week/final week they most be jokin. Was it a joke when people started gettin hyper in class and no one could study. GTG
Aww feel better..

Think of it this way.. work hard now, and you get a great Winter Break Smile .. I have my finals after winter break.. believe me.. it's the most terrible feeling celebrating Christmas day with the thought of finals in the back of your mind!!

As for your life in general, always remember there is someone who has it worse. Always. Feel better! There will be better days, but I totally know what you mean.. Totally flunking all my classes right now.. Gambatte ne!! ^.^


no one likes school man scholl is just a bunch of adults talking and yelling about mindless junk that you will never ever use when you get older...
Its been along time since Ive been to college, its probably the same- just keep in mind that its easier to be a good student now than a terrible low income earner latter. that stupid thing alot of you guys dont know why your working for - will get you a better position or job, because someone, some where will think your worth more because you have it- and believe this or not- your final destination may have little or nothing to do with why you went to school. i didnt say this to discourage any of you , but rather to say there are alot of folks who put alot of weight on it and because of that you probably should too !
I pretty much bombed my exams last semester and my life is a wreck.. but i dont let it get me down