I was just wondering if I should buy this thing for a X-mas present for a friend, if you can belive that. The games, the extra stuff to make it prettier, is it really worth it?
Your post seems to suggest that you're not a (regular) gamer, i.e. "The games...is it worth it?".
Do you mean is it worth it in general money terms, in comparison to home consoles or even when compared to the original GBA?
The GBA SP is fairly pricey simply because the Gameboy (in all its incarnations) is Nintendo's biggest selling machine and is without peer in the handheld market. There is no competition so no need to discount.
Obviously the GBA SP is a handheld and, therefore, really the only option available for portable gaming.
Is it better than the original GBA? It has a built-in backlight which (finally) rectifies the only complaint the Gameboy ever had since its initial release. I personally don't have one because I feel that my hands and fingers are too chunky for it to be comfortable fro prolonged play - I'm hanging on to my original GBA.
There are some great games for the GBA - they're not all SNES conversions. You can find a quality game in just about every genre, including beat-em-up and driving.
I'd have to say that GBA SP for its back light alone is worth it... the lithium rechargable battary too is an ass kicking addition, no more worries about battaries... I have to say that if u need some time killer on the road or wheverever u are and need something to do, SP is a must
Thank you for the reply, I welcome all other who would like to share their opinion. I'm considering it for a X-mas present but not really sure about it yet. Also Please metion the games that a RPG lover would like,
Thank you all and to all a good night
FF Tactics Advance
Tactics Ogre: Knight of Lodis
Golden Sun 1 & 2
Breath of Fire 1 & 2
Zelda: LTTP
and Mana (on the way)
are ones that immediately spring to mind. There are stack of other great games available in other genres. However, that lot will make any train journey an infinitely more pleasant experience for a RPG fan.
It's great. I play mine all the time. Games that come to mind....
Shining Soul (If you like Diablo...)
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
YuYuHakusho:Spirit Detectives (Looks OK)
Sword of Mana
Cima:The Enemy
Castlevania:Aria of Sorrow
Castlevania:Harmony of Dissionance (If you can find it...)
Castlevania:Circle of the Moon
Fire Emblem (YES!)
Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga
And those are all relatively new...
I too have a GBA although it isn't the SP but still I am glad to have it and wouldn't trade it away. I think a good game for anyone would be the new Super Mario Bros 3. That is my favorite Mario and it would make anyone happy! Get that too for your gift. Advance Wars is great too along with Golden Sun!
I know it's a bit off topic, but speaking of SMB3, has anyone seen the video of the guy who beat the game in 11 minutes flat? It's insane!
Oh yeah!!! I forgot where that download is. Where Can I find that video again??? I saw the link but never actually clicked on it.
Thanx Man!!! I Appreciate it! And yes...if you can do that you have too much time on your hands!
I think I am going to be the guy to beat it in nine minutes.

You do that and I will pay the invisible goats behind your house to coat you with their special frosting in your sleep. We'll see if you are indeed the Bukkake Sempai for real!!!