ello, im gonan order about $250 worth of dvds

just because im bored.....
thinking of getting:
Slayer collection
El Hazard collection
Lovehine series + OVA stuff
MAC etc:
key metal idol series
blue gender series
Ah My Goddess Movie
jubei chan
Masamune Shirow Movies Perfect
Soul Taker Perfect Collection
Tokyo Babylon OVA
Anyone got any better selections of stuff to put in?
only requirment No Hentai + got to be english dub( im incredably lazy + i watch anime between 12 - 4am most days

The best thing is the dollar to poudn exchange rate

1.7USD = 1 UKP
FLCL, Cowboy Bebop, and Outlaw Star Perfect Collections if and when they are in stock are good choices....unless you already have em!

ugh i suppose i should put my collection status:
Cowboy bebop
Outlaw Star
Tenchi uni, tokyo, movie, ova
Rurouni kenshin (all)
Bubblegum crisis tokyo 2040
And aload of R2 + a few R1 dvds.
If I were you I would take Soultaker out of the "maybe" pile and put it in the "must-buy" list, but that's just me

Why Dubbed?And yeah if you only like dubbed get uhm vampire hunter d:blood lust,and uhm R1 DVDs King of bandits Jing
Welp.. Many of the best HK sets are sub only right now.. Like Maison Ikkoku, Card Captor Sakura (which will never have a dub) Kare Kano, Marmalade Boy.. But umm.. Get Fushigi Yugi if you must have dubs. Give some sub only stuff a chance though. It'll do you some good.
Actually Maison Ikkoku part 1 english dubbed is coming soon at discountanimedvd.com
Quote:Originally posted by Shibo
Welp.. Many of the best HK sets are sub only right now.. Like Maison Ikkoku, Card Captor Sakura (which will never have a dub) Kare Kano, Marmalade Boy.. But umm.. Get Fushigi Yugi if you must have dubs. Give some sub only stuff a chance though. It'll do you some good.
Um, Shibo, there's a Kare Kano FX set.
Fruits Basket and Berserk are good choices.
Quote:Originally posted by Suzakuseikun
Um, Shibo, there's a Kare Kano FX set.
If I'm not mistaken, the Kare Kano US version is missing one teeny tiny scene.. To each his own, I guess, but I'll stick with my AS set.
Quote:Originally posted by Shibo
If I'm not mistaken, the Kare Kano US version is missing one teeny tiny scene.. To each his own, I guess, but I'll stick with my AS set.
Oh no, not one little tiny scene! >_>
Quote:Originally posted by Shibo
If I'm not mistaken, the Kare Kano US version is missing one teeny tiny scene.. To each his own, I guess, but I'll stick with my AS set.
Yes it is missing a couple seconds worth of footage. That's because thats the masters that they were given. Shawne didn't even know anything was missing until everyone made a big deal about it, but he said that there was nothing in his power that he could do about it.
Well RightStuf did an amazing job on Kare Kano, I loved the job they did with the subtitles. They really raised the bar with them.
Yeah, can't blame them if that was how the masters they received were. Someone should put that one tiny scene up for download so everyone can give it a rest.
dont miss
inu yasha
and some old stuff like
yu yu hakusho

Waht is this missing scene about?